So I started the morning out with a workout, which means that I started it the best way possible! I’ve kind of been slacking on my workout for the past week, I’ll admit it, but it felt so good to put on my workout clothes and sweat. I did Workout B of the fourth and final phase of the Best Body Bootcamp – a full body ladder workout. No, this does not mean I worked out on a ladder, nor would I because I’m afraid of heights! A ladder workout consists of building up the number of reps you do of each move. I started out completing 5 reps, rested 20 seconds, completed 6 reps, rested 20 seconds, completed 7 reps, rested 10-20 seconds, and so forth until getting up to 10 reps. It doesn’t seem too intense, but trust me my muscles were burning by the end.
I realized that I suck at planks. I can barely hold an elbow plank for 30 seconds and a straight arm plank kills me after 15. I think I’m going to make one of my goals to do planks everyday to strengthen my core muscles. Hopefully I can get up to a minute on straight arms!
I am also planning on going for a run manana. I haven’t been able to run outdoors in ages because of my work/school schedule and Munchkin’s sleep schedule. Since I am not comfortable running by myself when it’s dark out, I’ve been stuck on the elliptical and other indoor cardio. I’m going to slowly start incorporating running back into my schedule since the sun is rising earlier in the mornings and setting later in the evening. Depending how it goes, I might be signing up for a few races I’ve been eying!
I’ve already got three of my friends on board to do this one with me!
Aside from the workout, I’m planning on today being a lazy day. A bit of cooking, a lot of sandboxing and enjoying the day before I hit the books hardcore for my first official finals study session.
One month, two finals, a paper and a contract stand between me and three months of glorious summer freedom. Time to hunker down and get it all done!
Have a great Friday and enjoy your weekend!
What was the first race you ever ran? What are your plans for the weekend?
Keep up the good work. I, too, mistakenly thought the ladder workout would be easier. Heck — it only has something like six exercises …
But I couldn't do the 10s on the shoulder press — could barely finish the 9s. And I think your plank has mine beat … I was thrilled just to be able to do a straight-legged plank at all.
That kitten is so cute! I know what you mean, I feel so much better when I work out. Haven't had too much time lately unfortunately, been so busy trying to get a bunch of coursework done! I will be hitting that ladder hard from next week though!
Summer is sooooo soon! (I'm not in school anymore, but I work at one.) I sooo need to get back on the exercise wagon.
I can hold a plank for awhile, but I've started changing the way I do them. I read on Fitnessista's site to do a 10 second plank with a brief rest until you get a full minute or more of planking in. Because you don't fatigue yourself, you actually work your core harder instead of unnecessarily using other muscles to make up for it. Not sure how much of a difference it makes, but I'm in for shorter planks 😉