On The Go Lunch

One of the things I love about my job is the amount of time I get to spend outside the office. A few times a week, I take trips to various courts and to the Department of State. My favorite court to visit is Brooklyn Supreme, not only because all the people who work there are super helpful, but there is a Farmer’s Market in front of the court steps a few times a week.

After I was done at court yesterday, I took a walk through the market to grab something quick for lunch before heading into the city. This little booth caught my eye.

Body & Soul is an organic, vegan bakery that pops up in booths at Farmer’s Markets around the city. After perusing gawking at the yummy treats their selection, I decided to take the savory route and get  a Farro & Black Bean Chili Turnover.

Since I was eating on the go, I didn’t have a chance to heat it up, but it was delicious nonetheless. It had just the right amount of spice to give a bit of a kick, without setting your mouth on fire. The crust was kind of dense, but I guess that’s expected from a vegan dough.

I also bought a some apple cider to go along with my turnover. Apple Cider is one of my favorite drinks in the world, especially in the fall! Yummy!

Since no good lunch is complete without dessert, I hit up Red Mango on my way back to the office. To my delight, they had a new flavor – none other than my favorite flavor ever – Cake Batter!

I topped off my fro yo with some rainbow sprinkles, cookie dough bites and strawberries.

The perfect end to a great lunch!


Before I go, it’s time to announce the winner of my Blogaversary giveaway! Lucky #13!

Congrats Natalie! Please email me at frolicthroughlife[@]gmail[.]com ASAP with your shipping information so I can get you your gift card and goodies!


Have a great Friday!

What’s your favorite on-the-go lunch? What’s you favorite fro yo combo?

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  1. Favorite frozen yogurt combination: banana and chocolate topped with white chocolate yogurt chips! Red velvet is also pretty high up on the list… 🙂

  2. Ah it would be so awesome to have a farmers market near my work, even if only once a week. The curried lentil pastry sounds so yummy, too. I like salads and leftovers for lunch 🙂

  3. I love peanut butter and cake batter froyo with sprinkles and chocolate covered espresso beans 🙂

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