Black Bean Avocado Pizza

I’m usually a brown-bagger when it comes to lunch at work, but since I kind of overslept yesterday (turns out a toddler isn’t always a reliable alarm clock) I ran out the door lunchless. Once lunchtime rolled around and my belly started rumbling, I threw out a suggestion of pizza for lunch, and my coworker quickly agreed. Who doesn’t love pizza?

Instead of getting the regular cheese slices from across the street, she suggested that we order from a new place that had opened up a few blocks away. When we pulled up the menu for Vinnie’s, I was sold. Their menu is packed with unconventional, yet delicious sounding specialty pizzas, like Mac Attack (mac and cheese topped slice) and Greenpoint’s Finest (pizza topped with potato and cheese pierogi). They also have a ton of vegan options, which I’d like to try in the future. We decided on a pizza that wasn’t a total carb bomb, but still delicious, the Black Bean Avocado.


The crust was perfectly crisp and the black beans tasted great as the base for the pizza. I didn’t miss the traditional tomato sauce at all.

And yes, we are classy ladies who ate straight out of the box. 😉 I think it would be super easy to recreate this pizza at home using my pizza stone or on the grill!

It’s time for a quick run before I dive into my last paper! The weather is supposed to be gorgeous this weekend, so I want to get it done quick, and celebrate!

Have a great weekend.

Any plans this weekend? What’s your favorite slice?

Vinnies Pizzeria on Urbanspoon

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  1. That is such a unique pizza! It looks really good. 🙂 I'm a huge fan of pizza. I need to get myself a pizza stone! I think it would probably make the best homemade pizza.

    I'm going to see Lady Antebellum tomorrow night. So excited! I hope you have a lovely weekend Sylvia! 🙂

  2. Any pizza heavy on the cheese, tomatoes and avocados is a good pizza, but it would be a better pizza if it was heavy on the feta mixed with cheddar, with lotsa tomatoes, and olives, so much it nearly falls off as you eat it, together with plenty of bacon cubes it would be the perfect gourmet pizza, it melts in your mouth, this is the way my mother does it because she knows I like gourmet; it doesn’t get any better than that.


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