Memorial Day Bikes and BBQ

This Memorial Day is going to go down in the book as one of the best in a loong time. Even though we slept in, we were able to pack a lot of fun into the day. We used to look for a bike trail and around noon, we packed up the car and drove out to Long Island to Belmont Lake State Park. None of us had been to this park before, so we were really excited to try out the trails.

The trails took us around the lake itself and through the woods. In the end, we did 5.2 miles in a little less than an hour.

Munchkin had an awesome time and did not mind the bumps and having to be carried over some parts of the trail.

He did love yelling quack quack at the ducks, which I was later informed were actually geese. Whoops, I grew up in the city, so you can’t blame me for not knowing! 😉

The trail also had strength training points scattered throughout it, so we stopped to try the monkey bars and the dip bars. I am proud to say that I was able to get halfway across the monkey bars. Tommy’s little bro said that he will have me doing pullups by the end of the summer and I am holding him to it!

Even though it was in the high 80s, the trail was shady and kept us cool. We really didn’t feel the heat until we returned to the parking lot.

Have I mentioned how much I love Munchkin’s bike seat. It is soo much better than the kind that goes on the back of the bike and I am sad because I know that by next summer he will be too big for it. 🙁

After our bike ride, we stopped at The Pit Stop for lunch. Tommy had seen the Pit Stop on Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives on the Food Network and we’ve been trying to go there ever since.

I ordered the Spaghetti Squash which is one of the thing Guy Fieri tried while there and it was pretty darn good. They ever share the recipe on their website, so if you can’t get there to try it, you can recreate it at home!

Munchkin got a bit tuckered out after our ride and napped on the way back.

Since the weather was perfect in the afternoon, we decided to grill for dinner. We made two grilled pizzas, corn on the cob and baby bok choy in a soy sauce sauce.

I am also in love with my new tray from Target. So summery and fun.

Mushroom and pepper with mozzarella cheese.

Buffalo chicken and blue cheese.

Baby bok choy.

Corn of the cob which turned out great because we grilled it without peeling. It really makes a world of a difference. We ate it without any butter or salt. Yum!

Hope you had a great Holiday Weekend!

What did you do on Memorial Day? What’s your fav BBQ dish?

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  1. Looks like you had a great Memorial Day! Munchkin is so cute 🙂 All of that bbq food looks delicious!

  2. You had a busy weekend! Munchkin looks pooped. That is exactly how I felt when we got home yesterday.


  1. […] Lunch didn’t happen until after I got home from work. I had two slices of leftover grilled pizza with a pepper on the side. I am also in love with my new summery plate, which matches the tray from yesterday’s post! […]

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