June Goals Roundup

Can someone please explain to me how July is just a day away? Nuts! The month of June flew by waaay to fast. Slow down summer, I want to savor you, not go back to school!

At the beginning of June I set some goals for myself, and I want to go back through them and see how I did, before I set myself new goals for July.

  1. Run at least 3 times a week. I didn’t succeed in this goal, but I did run at least twice a week, each week, which isn’t half bad if you ask me. I also feel that I am getting better at running though. I am able to run a whole 5k without stopping, which is an amazing feat for me since I wasn’t able to run a single lap last summer. I’m halfway to 10k!
  2. Cook at least 3 times a week. S-U-C-C-E-S-S! I have been back in the kitchen and loving it. I’ve experimented with pancakes, muffins, quioa, chili and a ton of other things. I love cooking, I just need to find the time to do it!
  3. Strength train at least twice a week. This didn’t happen every week, but Tommy and I signed up for Cross Fit so
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    July should be filled with a lot more strength training! Can’t wait to start!

  4. Eat out no more than twice a week. Another success on the food front. With cooking more, comes eating out less. I’ve also resisted pushing my lunch to the back of the work fridge and ordering out when everyone else was, which I am very proud of!
  5. Read more and finish at least one book. Done and done! I finished Unorthodox (which was a very interesting read) and am in the process of reading three books at once!
  6. Go on a bike adventure. Another success. Munchkin and I have been out of a bike a few times and the last time we did almost 5 miles around our neighborhood. I always had to literally push the push up a huge hill because I couldn’t make it up!
  7. Drink at least 72 oz of water a day. When it’s super hot out, I think I need even more water than this. I found myself very thirsty on one of my last runs even though I had drank a good amount of water during the day. I think this goal is going to be upped for July.

****I’m thinking about starting a monthly link-up, where we can all share our monthly goals. If you’d like to participate, let me knos. I want to get some feedback before I start it up!****

EDIT: Monthly Goals Monday is going live this Monday [7/2]. Hope to see your monthly goal posts!

Did you set any goals for June? How did you do?

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