Little Boy’s Dream

This weekend was a little boy’s dream. We spent the weekend in the Poconos and the wonderful weather combined with good company and Munchkin had a blast.





Drivin’ some more


Today’s children spend way too much time indoors and in front of the TV or computer screen. The average kid only spends less than 10 minutes of unstructured playtime outdoors, which I find to be first of all crazy(!) and second of all, really sad. There is nothing like running around, free as a bird and exploring the world around you.

Hope your weekend was just as great!

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    • I know! My best memories are outdoors, exploring and having adventures. So sad kids these days don\’t get those kinds of experiences.

    • Camping outdoors sounds amazing! It\’s something I always wanted to do as a kid, but never got to. When my little man gets a bit older, I have to do it with him!

  1. Oh, how fun! It must have been absolutely beautiful up in the Poconos this weekend. It looks like Munchkin had a wonderful time 🙂

    We went to Hershey Park for the weekend to celebrate my sister’s birthday – hadn’t been there in ten years, so it was great to be back!
    Shari recently posted..Sweet Serendipity.My Profile

    • That sounds like an awesome weekend! I\’ve never been to Hershey, but it\’s a place I really want to visit. Hershey was supposed to be out \’senior\’ trip in the 8th grade, but our principal decided that it wasn\’t educational enough and nixed the plan. Chocolate is so educational! 😉

      • Too funny – my eighth grade trip was there, as well! And hey, they offer the Chocolate World tour that teaches all about the candy creation process … that’s educational, right?! 🙂
        Shari recently posted..Sweet Serendipity.My Profile

    • My son would be permanently glued to the iPad if I didn\’t pry it from his little arms from time to time. 😉

  2. I absolutely agree that kids spend way too much time indoors these days! In my neighborhood, there are rarely kids outside playing, which leads me to believe that they are inside in front of the TV or playing with electronics. I always encourage my son to get outside and just play! Good old-fashioned fun. 🙂
    Stefanie @TheNewHealthy recently posted..Creamy Avocado Caprese Pasta SaladMy Profile

    • I agree..there is nothing better than going outside, getting dirty and making some memories. 🙂 I\’m pretty sure no one looks back and says remember that time we sat at home and watched TV.

  3. These pictures are so lovely! I am totally 100% with you on how kids spend too much time indoors. Some of my fondest memories from my childhood are from playing games of tag, hide-and-go-seek, and street hockey with my neighborhood friends all day, through sunset, and into the night until our parents had to force us to come inside and go to bed! I wouldn’t trade those experiences for the world.
    Leandra recently posted..The North Beach Festival (San Francisco)My Profile

    • I agree. My neighborhood had tons of kids growing up and we spent all day outdoors and I have the best memories from my childhood because of it. Technology is great, I can get lost in my laptop if I don\’t pay attention to the time, but there is nothing like spending time outdoors.

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