Foodie Pen Pals – July

There are few things in life that I love more than coming home to a package waiting for me. That is probably why I signed up for another month of Foodie Pen Pals, even after my package never made it to me last month. Even though I was slightly discouraged by that, I am so so so happy I signed on for another month because I was spoiled yet again. My foodie pen pal this month was Lisa from Feed You With a Kiss. If you want to see what I sent to my other Pen Pal, check out Megan at I Run For Wine.

The Lean Green Bean

Lisa is from Seattle and when she e-mailed me to ask about my preferences, I told her that I love trying new things, especially local stuff that I can’t get here in New York, and Lisa delivered!

And not only did she send me some awesomely delicious goodies, she included recipes and little notes telling me the back stories of each thing.

Not to mention that the recipe cards are absolutely gorgeous! I need to find some and start writing my recipes down, for posterity, of course.

I also had a bit of help in opening my package.

I received:

  • Granola from Bakery Nouveau. This isn’t your regular bag of granola, it is sweet, perfectly crunchy and addicting. I can’t keep my hands out of the bag. Lisa said that this is one of the best bakeries in Seattle, and after looking at their website, I know I have to visit this place if I ever make it to Seattle. Everything looks in-cred-i-ble!
  • Organic Date Pieces. Although these babies don’t look all that appetizing (they looked kind of like hamster pellets to me) but they taste great! Never judge a book by its over!
  • Forbidden Rice. I haven’t had a chance to try this yet, but Lisa sent me a recipe for steamed rice with herbs, which I want to make in the near future. I read the back of the package and apparently this type of rice was reserved for emperors and royalty.
  • Four Sisters Evermild Sauce. It is made locally in Washington and Lisa met one of the Four Sister’s at the Farmer’s Market when buying the sauce. Pretty cool!
  • Salted Caramel Sauce. I’m going to be honest here. I have been avoiding opening this little jar because I have a feeling that I will have a tough time keeping a spoon out of there. Lisa also sent a cookie recipe which uses the sauce, so I think I’ll need to make those because they sound amazing and will keep my spoon away.

Thank you again Lisa, I loved all the goodies and the personalized notes!

Now that I’ve convinced you that you need to join in on the Foodie Penpal fun, I’ll let you know what you need to do!

If you’d like to participate, fill out the New Foodie Pen Pals Sign Up Form. She will need to hear from you by August 4th as pairings will be emailed the 5th! (I still can’t believe August is here!)

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  1. I’m glad you received a package this month! I think my mailman likes to lose my packages as well. There’s a conspiracy I tell you!

    Can’t wait to see the cookie recipe with the Salted Caramel Sauce!
    Stephanie recently posted..Lanikai GrillMy Profile


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