Hi Frolic thorough life readers! My name is Chris from The Journey TV and it’s a pleasure that Sylvia asked me to guest post. Recently I shot some movement introduction videos for my show because i hear lots of people are intimidated to try Crossfit and really any new fitness program in general.
So do you have anxiety of trying a new workout? Here are 5 Tips to help get over the “Newbie Nerves”
1.) Arrive early and talk with either the Coach or Instructor while everyone starts to show up
2.) Don’t be in a hurry. Sit back, Listen and Watch. What is everyone doing?
3.) Very few people are instantly proficient at anything. While you already know this sometimes we don’t let it sink in. Learning new movement takes time, Go in ready to learn and clear the slate.
4.) Do a personal warm-Up. Get rid of some of that Nervous energy, some jogging, high knees, butt kickers and light stretching can help
5.) Bring a friend but not an anchor. Your there to learn and workout if your friend will be a distraction by talking and creating a “safe bubble” then that isn’t really helping you adjust. Bring someone who wants to learn the program too; they’ll be listening just as intently as you should be. If you don’t have a friend who wants to go then GO ANYWAY it’ll do wonders for yourself confidence.
The biggest tip is just have fun! Relax and Enjoy Well Thank you Sylvia for letting me share some thoughts with your readers! I hope that if anyone has the “Newbie Nerves” they push them aside and go for it. You’ll never regret it! Follow me on Twitter @JourneyTV
Great tips! I have yet to try Crossfit! Looks like great fun!
Kierston recently posted..Part II ~ FFA Girls Talk Body, Mind and Goals!
Thanks Kierston! For sure check it out when you get a chance, most Boxes have a free Saturday WOD for you to go through. It’s a pretty great time and the results are amazing.
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