Is it just me, or is time flying by waaaay too fast? Here we are on the first day of October and with only three months left until the end of the year. Crazy! Anywho, I hope your weekend was filled with lots of fun fall activities, just like mine, but before I get to share out pumpkin flavored adventures, I am here to make you jealous show you what I got from my Foodie Pen Pal this month!
My Pen Pal for this month was Eva from The Evas of Bellabini. Eva lives in Seattle and sent me some local goodies! I loooove local stuff, so I was so excited when I opened this baby up!
I got Cheesy Bacon Dip, Tortellini Soup Mix and and instant mocha powder. I’ve only been able to try the mocha so far, and I love it! It’s almost more like a hot cocoa and the perfect drink for a cool fall evening. I wanted to break into the dip straight away, but I knew if I made it alone I would eat it alone and that would be no bueno. The soup has been calling my name for days. I have to eat it this week!
I also sent a chocolate filled package to LaTasha of Umm, Umm, Good, so if you’re interested in seeing what she got, head over there.
If you’d like to become a Foodie Pen Pal, head over to the Lean Green Bean and fill out the form on the Foodie Pen Pals tab. Just make sure to get there before the 4th or you’ll have to wait until November to get your match!
You got some great stuff! I LOVE Foodie Pen Pals but haven’t done it in so long!
Maureen @ Organically Mo recently posted..October #Unprocessed 2012
Can’t wait to hear how you like the tortelini soup mix. It sounds fantastic xo
Jessie recently posted..New Smoothie + Foodie Penpal
those all look great! i agree – i would want to make the cheese dip first but would be afraid i would eat it all. enjoy!
Glenneth recently posted..Welcome to October Monday Motivation!
i love being a foodie pen pal!!!! it’s so much fun! great stuff you got this month!! have a happy monday!
Looks like you received some yummy items! I love the foodie pen pal concept! I have never done it before, but maybe I will in the future! Sounds like it could be super fun!
Dawn recently posted..Simple 6 Ingredient Buffalo Chicken Salad Wrap – High Protein and Fiber!
I’ve been wanting to join, looks like a winning pack of stuff!
Kat recently posted..Motivational, Metric Monday!
What a great package. Love Seattle food. Just thinking about all the yummy restaurants there makes me drool!
Yeah…that cheesy bacon dip looks pretty dangerous…your guests will be very lucky to indulge 🙂
Heather @ InHerChucks recently posted..Guest Post: September Foodie PenPal Reveal
Mmmmm…cheesy bacon dip. That’s the best treat I’ve seen so far in the FPP packages 😀
missmylin recently posted..September Foodie Penpal
So glad you love the items! When I was picking the goodies, I thought, what would be the ones one would never buy themselves but would hopefully indulge in if given as a gift. 😉 Looks like it was a hit! I enjoyed getting to know you!!
Eva @ Bellabini recently posted..Co-hosting the Mommy Brain Mixer
I’d be afraid to try the Cheesey Bacon Dip myself! Looks like a great package. =)
Stephanie recently posted..Foodie Penpals September 2012