Runner’s Bug Bites Again!

In my 10k recap post, I mentioned that I had been bitten by the race bug. That bug bites really hard because I have spent the last three days looking for races to run in the near future. The good news is that I found a Turkey Trot in Prospect Park, the same place where I ran my 10k, and I’ve found a friend who wants to do it with me. The better news..I’m running this weekend thanks to Fitfluential and Runner’s World!

There are going to be three races over the course of the weekend – 5k, 10k and a half marathon. There is also an option to hat trick and do all three in 24 hours! The hat trick sounds so bad ass, and I wish I had the proper training to do it. There’s always next year, right?

I will be doing the 5k – my first real 5k. October seems to be a month of firsts for me! My only goal for the race is to run the whole thing without walking. After looking at the course map, it might be a bit difficult to achieve that goal. The first mile of the race is a pretty large elevation climb, but luckily the rest is all downhill.

Either way, I am beyond excited and pumped to be a part of this great event and cannot wait to run my heart out yet again!

You can be sure that I will be back next week with a total recap of the weekend’s festivities!

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  1. Hey, so I was trying to browse through your recipes but every time I clicked on one it said the page was not found. I just wanted to make you aware of that so you can fix the issue for future readers! 🙂 OTHERWISE your blog looks beautiful!

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