Runner’s World Half & Festival 5k

If you follow me on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook, you’re probably already sick of listening to me rave about the amazing experience I had at the Runner’s World Half and Festival, but too bad because I’m back with a recap of the race, the expo and what I learned about running. I wasn’t able to attend all of the festivities on Thursday and Friday, but I smushed all the good stuff I missed out on into one day and had an amazing time doing it.

My Saturday began at 5:30 when the alarm rang. I got up and got dressed before waking up/ apologizing to my guys who were accompanying me to the race and festival. You know it’s true love when someone will wake up at 5am on a Saturday to watch to run.

We were out the door by 6 and had a 45 minute drive to get to Bethlehem from the Poconos, where we were staying. As soon as we got into Bethlehem, I saw the signs and runners making their way to the start line and I started to get really excited. I picked up my packet, pinned on my number and made my way to the start line.

I ran into some fellow Fitfluential Ambassadors at the start line, but I failed on getting a picture, as usual. It was fun to put a face to the ladies whose blogs I read on a regular basis.

After the singing of the National Anthem, we were off. The race went through the streets of Bethlehem and along the Steelstacks. The old furnaces from the Steel plants gave the race and whole event an amazing backdrop.

Mile one was tough. Almost all uphill and sadly I did take a walking break. Fail on my one goal, but I started to get what I think was a shin split, a pain that I have never felt before and had to stop to shake out my leg and attempt to stretch the pain away. By the time I got to the mile marker by pace was over 12:30. I wasn’t too happy about it, but I trekked on.

Mile two was a good deal of downhill, I took this as an opportunity to catch up and make up for the time I wasted walking. I hit the mile two marker with a time of 21 minutes. For a second, I wondered if the marker time was off because there was no way that I could have ran that mile in under 1o minutes.

Mile three was pretty good until the last hill. The pain returnedย  and I walked until I got to the top of the hill. I started getting really excited when I heard the music and the crowds at the finish line. Crossing the finish line was an amazing feeling. Since this was only my second race, I had never really experienced the cheer of the crowds and how big a difference it can make on you race experience.

My official time was 35:05 with an 11:18 pace per mile.

My whole race experience was great. From packet pickup that morning to getting my medal and banana after the race, everything went smoothly and I could not have hoped to have a better time.

Little did I know that my day at the Runner’s World Half and Festival was only beginning! I’ll be back tomorrow to recap the expo and everything I learned along the way!

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    • Thanks, me too! ๐Ÿ™‚ Unfortunately, my leg is no bueno. I went for a run this morning and the pain is still there. :/

    • I really would like to do the hat trick next year. My goal for the spring it to run a half, so a hat trick in the fall might be possible! Fingers crossed! ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Next time for sure! The part that I missed most was meeting all of the amazing bloggers! Next time I have to come earlier! ๐Ÿ™‚


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