We Saw Santa!

After weeks of prep and encouragement, on Friday we saw Santa!

I was pretty nervous about it because last year was kind of a disaster. Like Alex dove into his stroller and covered his face with his jacket until we were out of Santa’s line of vision, kind of disaster. So this year, I asked and waited until he told me he was ready to go see Santa and on Wednesday he finally said he wanted to go.

We were first in line after Santa’s lunch break and I was super nervous, but Alex went up like a pro, sat on Santa’s lap, smiled for the picture and told Santa he wanted the Where’s My Water game. Too bad Santa didn’t know what it was. Luckily, he’s got elves taking care of that for him. 😉

After our rendezvous with St. Nick, I tried to snap some photos for our Christmas card. I had Alex play with some lights and I love the way the pictures came out!

I’m going to try to shoot a few more tomorrow since my parents bought him a Santa hat over the weekend. So far, I am in love with the second one!

That’s all for now, since I’m knee deep in finals prep. :/ Keep your fingers crossed for me on Tuesday night because I’m going to need all the luck I can get!

Do you have any funny mall Santa stories? Do you make your own Christmas cards?

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  1. what sweet photos!!! last week we tried to take my neice and nephew, and it was pretty ridiculous. my nephew (who is two) took one look at santa and said “BYE! im outta here!” super loudly and started running towards the mall daor! LOL. have a great monday! spa <3

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