Get Me Out of Bed

I don’t know if it’s the cold spell we’re having in NYC right now, or just winter in general, but I can’t seem to get my butt out of bed in the morning, no matter how early I go to sleep. Before my classes started up again, I had been waking up an hour early so that when I started school, I could work out in the morning. So far, I have failed miserably for two weeks, and because of this, I have barely worked out.


I tell myself every night that I will get up as soon as my alarm rings, but I press snooze instead and end up sleeping in. And I don’t even have to be getting up at the crack of dawn either, but I just can’t bring myself to get up! Ugh!

I did get a workout in this morning, but that’s only because I didn’t have to be up for work, but better than nothing, right? Speaking of this morning’s workout, I tried out FitnessGlo for the first time and did a 30 minutes Click & Go class. FitnessGlo is an online fitness class service with classes ranging from 5-45 minutes. I love doing workout videos, so this is like having 100 different workout DVDs to choose from. Maybe that will motivate me to wake up in the morning?


I need some tips and tricks! How do you get yourself up in the morning? I think I’m going to start putting my phone on the other side of my room so I actually have to get out of bed to turn off the alarm. I figure once I’m out of bed, I’ll stay out…hopefully.

Do you workout in the morning? What time do you get up?

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    • I feel so much better after a morning workout too, but my butt just wants to stay in my nice warm bed! Thanks for the tips!

    • That might work, but I know that my little guy wakes up around 8, so he\’s like my little alarm clock that I can\’r turn off. Hhaha

  1. I’ve been getting up at 4:45am without an alarm since I can’t remember when. Until 6:30am that is MY time. Life tends to get in the way after that so I make the most of my early hours. Definitely have your clothes laid out and put the alarm where you need to get up and out.

    • I really need to start doing this! I\’m so busy the rest of the day, that I rarely have that me time to relax. Thanks for the tips!

    • I\’ve heard that too and I think I need to start doing it until I fall into a habit of waking up early. I feel like once I have them on, I\’ll have to do some kind of workout before getting ready for the day. Thanks for the tip!! 🙂

    • I am a night owl too, but I go to school in the evenings and don\’t get home until 10pm most days. After I get home I have snuggle time and put my little guy to bed and working out at 11pm wakes me up waaay to much and leaves me wired and unable to sleep. Sigh, can I just drop out of school because that would totally solve my problem. 😉


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