I’ve been in a bit of a blogging rut lately. I’ve got a ton of ideas written down in my little purple Moleskine notebook, but I just couldn’t find the words to put down on paper (well the laptop). I think it was due, in part, to me being a little overwhelmed with everything that is going on this week.
First up, I started school again. Cue major ughhh! Breaks always seem to fly by way to fast, and this one was no exception. Luckily, I tweaked my schedule last minute, like literally an hour before I had my first class, and only have classes three days a week. Tuesdays and Fridays are days off, so I have time to catch up on reading and workouts. So far the classes I’ve had seem pretty interesting and the classes that I have on Thursday seem like they’ll be even more interesting, so I’m hoping this semester is a good one. Another plus..no textbooks to buy! I love professors who put together supplements instead!
Along with classes, I started fitmixer bootcamp this week. I just got my products in this week, and I am so excited to put them to good use, along with my meal plan ad meal logging with the LoseIt! app. It’s not easy fitting it work, school and bootcamp, but so far so good.
My little man turns three today! I honestly cannot believe that three years have passed since he came into my life and I couldn’t imagine my life without him. I’ve got some morning surprises planned for him and in lieu of having a huge party like the last two years, we’re having a little cake party on Monday and going skiing this weekend. So excited to get the little guy on skis!
My other not-so-little man turn 24 on Saturday! We’re all going out for a family dinner on Saturday and doing the cake thang for him on Sunday.
Hopefully my rut is over and I’ll be back more often because I’ve got some fun stuff to share!
Have you ever been in a rut? How do you get out of it?
Glad you are getting out of your rut! Sometimes I feel like I have nothing to say, but my little notebook of ideas always saves me.
Happy Birthday to your little and big men! 😉
Angela @ Happy Fit Mama recently posted..Roasted Is Best
I have definitely been in a blogging rut before! In fact, the last half of last year was tough. I finally snapped out of it by giving my blog a new look and new organization and I feel so much better about getting posts up! Sometimes, life gets busy and gets in the way, but glad to see you back! Good luck with school!
Kelly @ Laughter, Strength, and Food recently posted..Project #1: The Bouquet
Happy Birthday to both of your men! 🙂 I definitely have been in ruts before. I take some time to figure out what I want to do and what I want to say and then I come back.
Hope @ With A Side Of Hope recently posted..A Pinterest Discovery!!…
Happy birthdays! It’s ok to hit a blog wall….you don’t want to just write jumbled words and life gets crazy!
Kat recently posted..WDW Weekend: The Half Race Recap
Happy Birthday to your little guy! I hope he has a wonderful day! 🙂
Shari recently posted..Five Things.
Happy birthday to both your guys! Amazing how fast time flies.
Debbie @ Live from La Quinta recently posted..Here’s the Scoop: Tough Weekend in San Diego
Yay for celebrations 🙂
Glad to see you are coming out of your rut 🙂 It happens!
Kierston recently posted..The BAR to My BELL!
Happy Birthday to both your guys! I get into a blogging rut every so often. For me stepping away for a few days & just enjoying life helps.
Maureen recently posted..January Joiners
Happy birthday to your baby boy! I guess not such a baby anymore 😉
natalie @ will jog for food recently posted..Week 28 – I Need Cookies
Definitely been in a blog rut! You know what to write, but you’d give anything for it to just write itself this one time. Looks like you’re on your way up, though–congrats! And happy birthday to your boys!
Kim @ HealthyNest recently posted..All This Destressing Advice Is Stressing Me Out
Hey! Just wanted to let you know I nominated you for the Liebster Award. You can check it out on my blog post at http://gettinmyhealthyon.com/2013/01/18/liebster-award-random-facts-about-me/