We’ve Got a Skier on Our Hands!

I’m pretty sure I was the proudest mommy in the world on Saturday. For a few weeks, Tommy and I had talked about taking Munchkin skiing, but on Saturday morning we were this.close to changing our minds and going tubing for the day instead of skiing. We didn’t want to go through the hassle of renting the gear, buying our tickets, only to find out that he hated it and didn’t even want to try, but something told me go for it. What’s the worst that could happen, we’d be out a couple bucks? Luckily, we went for it and I think we’ve got a skier on our hands.


When we got to the ski rental shop, I told myself that if we get the boots and skis on him, I would write the day off as a success, no matter if he got any real skiing done, because after all, he is only 3. When we got his little boots on in the store, I was relieved and felt like we were over the first hurdle. Next up, getting in the snow. We trekked out to the magic carpet, put on our skis and the tears started flowing. He couldn’t stand or walk and he wasn’t feeling it. We asked him to give it one try and he did. Tommy pulled him up the little hill and by the time they reached the bottom, he was yelling “Try again!”


After a few runs at the bottom, we were ready to get on the carpet. We got to the top of the hill and headed over to the practice area, where he basically killed it and shocked us in the process. He doesn’t have the concept of stopping down yet, but he has incredible balance and only fell once or twice throughout the whole day.


The main reason I wanted to get him on skis at three is the lack of fear at this

age. Fear is the number one thing that holds me back when we’re skiing and I wanted him to have a chance to try before his awareness kicked in and kept him from trying.


We are already planning another trip back, preferably on a less crowded day, to let the little man give it another go this season. I could not be more excited that he loves skiing and hopefully in a few years he’ll be zooming past me on the slopes calling me a slow poke!

Do you ski/snowboard? At what age did you learn?

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  1. I love this! My twins are 2.5 yrs and we have been debating if we were going to try this year or what till next for skiing. It’s so daunting when you think of the getting the gear on and the sure to be tears. It’s hard enough getting myself geared up! Congrats on your little skier!
    Angela @ Happy Fit Mama recently posted..Indoor Bike Trainer WorkoutMy Profile

    • Thanks! The last time we went skiing we saw a little guy who was 2.5 killing it on a snowboard. Kids are amazing!

  2. That is great! We are planning on taking our kids for the first time this weekend. It is later than I wanted to start them (they are 9 and 6), but we didn’t live very close to skiing until now. I learned when I was 6 or 7. My brother, on the other hand, learned around three and is still fearless! Great job!

    Make sure you work on that snowplow with him. It is key. He’ll be great!
    Lisa (Mom to Marathon) recently posted..52 Random Acts of Kindness: Week 3My Profile

  3. That’s so awesome!! So glad that you all had fun. We took our boys skiing for the first time last year and I was a nervous wreck because I really really really wanted them to like it. I’m the skier in the family and need them on my side! I can’t wait to take them back to the mountains again this year. Hopefully, they will still like it!
    Christine recently posted..Are you ready to test your limits?My Profile

    • I was so nervous too, but I knew that I didn\’t want to push him if he wasn\’t feeling it. Hope your little guys still like it! 🙂

  4. Awww those pictures are so cute! I learned to ski when I was three years old, and I’m so glad I did because I love it. I was definitely not one of those “fearless” little kids — skiing terrified me! — but I used to see them all the time on the mountains and they are just so adorable. If I ever had a kid, I would definitely want to take them to learn how to ski. What a great idea!
    Miranda @ Biting Life recently posted..Shopping List Friday #13My Profile

  5. So, so cute! Love it! My hubby has been skiing forever, I took it later in life but we definitely want/hope our son loves it too. We had him on the “skis” (ones that just strap to winter boots) this year at 18 months. He was loving it, and he’s a daredevil so we can’t wait to get him out there next year when he’s 2 1/2.

  6. FANTASTIC!!! I had both my kids skiing at 2.. They are 7 and 3 1/2 now and we can all go ski as a family.. 3 1/2 year old can handle the greens/blues just fine and gets mad at me for not letting him hit enough jumps!!!!! ALSO knows that if he isn’t turning and stopping when I prompt him to I will get the ski wee strap back out and tie him up… (Belt that goes around their waist with two straps to hold on to and ski behind them controlling their speed and helping to turn them.) HAVE FUN with it.. Nothing better than a chair lift ride with your family.. My best memories are rides with my parents/brother and now riding with my kids is just fantastic.. Husband isn’t bad either.. : )

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