Back to Crossfit

There is only word to describe how I feel after my first day back at Crossfit…ouch. I’m not sure if that’s a word or a sound, but either way it is how I feel today, and it feels great!

I was super nervous getting back to Crossfit, but I was also incredibly nervous. I hadn’t been in three months, would anyone remember me, would the coaches remember me, would I be the new girl again, would I totally suck at everything?  There are all things that swirled around in my head as I drove over to the box after leaving Tommy and Munchkin to have their boy’s night.

I walked in and saw some familiar faces and immediately started chatting with the other people waiting for the 7pm WOD. The coaches remembered me too, and said they were happy to see me back. It felt good just to be back in the box.

WOD 2/26/13

We started with double unders as the warmup and I was pleasantly surprised to find that I still had it..well, kind of. The last time I practiced I was able to string together a double under, single, double under, single, and I was still able to do it. Our strength was a one rep max for strict press and I was able to get up to 50lbs! Not too shabby.

The WOD was a killer. Helen herself is a killer, but this was Helen on Crack and it kicked my butt. We had a 25 minute cap, and I wasn’t able to finish all five rounds. I got through four minus a few pull-ups, and the pull-ups where what killed me. I just couldn’t finish them, even with a green and red band.

Even though I didn’t finish, I still felt great that I got back there and pushed myself. I’m going back Friday morning and I can’t wait!

What’s the last great workout you had?

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    • I really hope so Emily, because they are killing me! Luckily tonight\’s WOD was pullup free. 🙂

    • As much as I complain, I love feeling sore after a good workout. You know you pushed yourself and your body is changing. If you have the opportunity, I\’d say give Crossfit a shot!

  1. I am always amazed by crossfitters – I would love to try it some time! I think I would be lost in the language and completely too weak! 🙂 Our local box has ‘newbie’ classes, it is just the commitment of time and money to make it work. Maybe this summer sometime.
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    • There so such thing as to weak! Every workout can be scaled to your strength, and I\’m pretty sure you\’ll find out that your stronger than you think. I have surprised myself on a few occasions. I tried Crossfit last summer and fell in love. The newbie classes are a great help too! You learn form and the language before getting thrown into the workouts.

  2. Came here via link love, and I’m glad I did 🙂

    Great to hear your first day back was a success.. It’s an awesome feeling knowing you don’t completely lose every skill you worked so hard for after a hiatus.

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