Foodie Pen Pals February

February is a tricky month. I looked at the date on my phone last night and thought to myself that I still have a few days to get my Foodie Pen Pals post together, and guess what, I was wrong! How could I forget that February only has 28 days? Anywho, without further ado, here are my goodies from this months Foodie Pen Pals swaparoo.

The Lean Green Bean


This month I was paired with Michele, and she sent me a very unexpected box of goodies. Up until now, all of the Foodie Pen Pal boxes I have gotten contained, well, food. Michele said that she loves to cook so she sent me a box full of her favorite spices and beans, and a few snacks to munch on. This may sound weird, but when I opened up the box, it smelled amazing.

foodie pen pals february

My box contained:

  1. Italian Seasoning
  2. Rosemary
  3. Basil
  4. Thyme
  5. Chamomile
  6. Roasted and salted Fava beans
  7. Roasted and Salted chick peas
  8. Bay leaves
  9. Raw Fva beans
  10. Lupini Beans
  11. Ceylon Cinnamon
  12. Boston Baked Beans

All the fresh herbs and spices made my kitchen smell delish while unpacking all my goodies.

I told Michele that I had given up meat for lent, and she also sent me a recipe for Eggplant Meatballs. She said that she was a vegetarian for a couple of years and the only thing she missed were her mom’s meatballs, at that these made up for it. I have yet to try the recipe since I didn’t get to do my grocery shopping over the weekend due to my sicky baby, but they are on my must make list.  She also sent me her recipe for salad dressing using the spices. Overall, I loved everything I got and I can’t wait to use the herbs and spices in my cooking for a long time to come. Thanks so much Michele!

If you’d like to sign up for next month’s Foodie Pen Pals head over to The Lean Green Bean and sign up by March 4th! You will be sent your match on the 5th, and your package of goodies soon after!

If you participate in Foodie Pen Pals, what’s the best thing you got this month?

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