I haven’t set any monthly goals for myself in quite a while. Since I’m back at Crossfit, I’m feeling re-energized and ready to kick some goal butt.
March Goals
- Go to Crossfit twice a week. I’m signed up for the 2x a week package and my butt better be going there and making the most of my workouts. No excuses here.
- Pack lunches to work more often. Whenever I don’t bring lunch to work, I end up being famished by the time I get home, and it sends the rest of the day’s eats out of whack. It also leads me to eat way too much at night when I get home from school. No bueno.
- Lose 4% of my body weight. I joined the Fitfluential Diet Bet, and I am looking forward to getting my money back and then some.
- Start running again. With daylight savings time next week, I’m hoping to take advantage of the early morning sunlight to start running in the mornings. I want to run a half marathon in the fall, so I need to steadily start building my mileage back up.
- Keep up with the Spring Bootie Buster Challenge.*
I forgot to announce the winner of the 90 Day FitnessGlo membership!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Susan, please email me at frolicthroughlife[at]gmail[dot]com, so we can set up your membership!
What are your goals for March?
I hate to burst your bubble, but daylight savings time means it will be dark in the morning (which is why I hate it). It will gradually get lighter though as the days get longer.
I need to pack my lunch more often too. It.s healthier and cheaper.
Debbie @ Live from La Quinta recently posted..Weekly Reader: Delicious Inspiration
Oh no! I always get Daylight Savings Time mixed up. I thought since it was Spring Froward, it would be as light out at 6am, as it is now at 7? FAIL!
My fitness/nutrition goal for March is to increase my running so that I dont have to walk quite as much and to log my food each day. Good luck on your goals (daylight savings or not!)
Elena recently posted..Facing Your Fears to Achieve Your Dream
I love your goals and the way you made an image out of them! I might have to try that…
Charissa recently posted..Reeses Pieces Bowl
Thanks, I was feeling creative last nigh with Pic Monkey. 🙂
Getting back to running is definitely one of them! 🙂
Kierston recently posted..Time To Lace Up: Doing What Feels Right!
I think that as soon as the temperatures rise above 50, my body craves running. In the winter, not so much. 🙂
Great goals 🙂 Win that DietBet girl! My March goal is no drinking — that’s a tough one!
Ericka @ The Sweet Life recently posted..Crossfit Open: Why This Beginner Is In!
I can’t wait for spring and more daylight in the evening! I feel like I can get so much more accomplished.
Ashley @ Life and Fitness recently posted..I Acommplished my Life’s Goal
I totally agree. When I get home and its dark at 5pm I just want to crawl into bed, but when its sunny your body just wants to go outside and be active. Not to mention my little man cannot wait to get back to our afternoon park trips.
Way to keep yourself motivated! Good Luck!
Alison recently posted..Think Like Zuck
Thanks! 🙂
Good goals for the month. I’ve started packing my meals in my cooler for the day even if I don’t go anywhere. If it’s not in the cooler I can’t eat it.
Dawn recently posted..Working on a Better ME
Thats such a good idea. When I get snacky, I run through all of the cupboards looking for something good to snack on and I usually find something not so great.
Packed lunches are so smart! Not only do you save money, but you control what you’re putting in your mouth AND you can make your on the go meal SUPER YUM! 🙂
GiGi Eats Celebrities recently posted..Angelina Jolie and Kale: Separated At Birth
I totally agree. Buying lunch is flippin expensive. Why shell out $12 for a mediocre salad when I can make a better one myself?
I always get that daylight stuff mixed up too. I wish it didn’t have to happen!
Congrats to your Fitness Glo winner… awesome prize!
I mess it up every single year. At least it won\’t be dark at 530 pm anymore! 🙂
I have a marathon this month. My first since November and will be looking to break 4-hours on a really challenging course. It can never be easy, right?
Good luck March — we’re coming for YOU!
Pavement Runner recently posted..#RnRPAS: Half Marathon Recap
Ahh good luck! You are an amazing runner so I know you will kick that marathon\’s butt. I\’m cheering for you! Pavement Runner Team sub-4! 🙂
I love how you write out your goals like that. I really need to make goals each month. Thanks for the inspiration!!
I’m jumping for joy that I WON!! xoxo
SusieQTpies recently posted..Easter PEEPS Cupcake Recipe & Craft
Yay! I\’m sending your info to the FitnessGlo peeps tonight, so you should get an email from them with your password. 🙂
Hi! Guess what? I still haven’t heard from them and it has been over a month. Can you please check for me? Thanks so much, susie
SusieQTpies recently posted..{Spring Dessert} Sweet Bread Braided Loaf Recipe