Spring Bucket List

It’s officially Spring Break…FREEDOM! Well, at least for the next 10 days. The week before Spring Break always seems to be the busiest – I had to be at work early a couple of days, an exam and an essay due. I also had to submit a topic for my Charitable Organizations final paper, so that required a bit of research and decision-making. I still have to pick a topic for my Cybercrime class, but everything we’ve discussed so far has been so interesting, that I’m having a hard time picking just one thing to focus on.

Enough with the law school talk. It is officially Spring as of this Wednesday, and even though the temperatures beg to differ, I thought it would be fun to put together a Spring Bucket List. My list is basically just things that I have been dreaming of doing since the temps started to dip in the fall, and hopefully I’ll be able to check a few things off over break.

And just to clarify, I haven’t been dreaming of washing my car since fall, it’s just something I really need to do. Since it rains or snows every other day, as of late, I can’t justify shelling out the money for my car to be shiny for less than 24 hours…and it’s too cold to break out the soap and do it myself.

Have a great weekend!

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  1. I’d love to get a car wash but with yet another ‘snow event’ scheduled for Sunday-Wednesday, I think i need to hold off. Definitely coloring eggs though. And doing fun stuff with the kiddos. Happy spring–even though it doesn’t quite feel like it yet.
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