Designer Whey Protein Review

A few weeks ago, I came home to a really awesome package waiting for me on my doorstep.

designer whey

As soon as I opened it up, two thoughts came to mind.

  1.  I love the attention to details in the packaging. Instead of sending a plain brown box, the Designer Whey box looks almost like a  presentation board, filled with info about the product.
  2.  OMG White Chocolate protein! Get in my belly!

designer whey white chocolate

I knew that I had to try out the White Chocolate first, so I filled my shaker with the powder and headed out to Crossfit. After the WOD, I tried the shake for the first time and I was pleasantly surprised. The taste was great and it didn’t have that strange chalky aftertaste that so many protein powders have. Each serving has 18g of protein and according to Designer Whey, it delivers the optimal blend of proteins, vitamins, minerals and amino acids need to help to reduce appetite, build lean muscle, improve body composition, enhance the benefits of exercise, aid in recovery, and much more.


The protein was amazing mixed with some plain Greek yogurt to make protein pudding.  I also used both powders in pancakes, and they totally passed the cooking test. They gave the pancakes a great flavor and an added boost of protein.

banana protein pancake designer whey

While I really enjoyed the protein powders, I was most excited about getting more of the 100 calorie high protein shakes. I’ve had them before and I absolutely love, love, love them! They are a bit thicker than mixing protein powder with water and remind me of a milkshake. They are the perfect thing to curb your sweet tooth and for 100 calories and 18 grams of protein, they are totally guilt free. The chocolate flavor was good, but the vanilla is out of this world.

designer whey 100 calorie protein The Protein 2Go packets and protein bars have become part of my mid-morning routine at work. I always eat breakfast before I leave for work, but I tend to get snacky before lunch. Instead of going to the corner deli for a not-so-great snack, I turn to Designer Whey. I tend to crave sweets over salty snacks, so if I’m feeling chocolate I grab a bar. I have three flavors, Chocolate Caramel Crunch, Peanut Butter Crunch and Triple Chocolate Crunch , so I can’t go wrong. If I’m feeling a bit more fruity, I mix up one of the Protein 2Go packets. They come in three flavors, as well, and do an awesome job of holding me over until lunch, or sometimes until I get home if I forget to pack my lunch. (which happens more often than I’d like to admit)


Overall, I really enjoyed all of the products which Designer Whey sent to me. I have been making an effort to include more protein in my diet because I’m trying to build muscle through my Crossfit workouts and all the Designer Whey products make this process effortless. I love that their products aren’t packed with added sugars like many other brands and they still taste great. After scoping out the Designer Whey website, I’ve got my eye on Vanilla Almond next – I can only imagine how yummy it must be!
Do you use protein supplements in your diet? What’s your favorite protein bar?

I was provided this package through Designer Whey and Fitfluential, LLC.  All opinions are my own.


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  1. Got to love their products! I am an Lafitte! 😉 But love them anyway. I have been using protein powders for years in food & smoothies. 🙂 I even tried some of the vanilla protein drink in my coffee. I am not a cream person but I little extra protein & tastes delish!

    If you ever want to reorder, you can use my discount code ZDWHEY4 for 20% of all online orders & free shipping with $50+ in continental US. 🙂
    Jody – Fit at 55 recently posted..Gratitude Monday & Healthy Bite Me! 😉My Profile

  2. They do sound good. I’ve been wanting to try to make Protein Pancakes (we have Pancakes regularly at our house), but I’m scared of feeding the ingredients to my kids (3 and 1.5). A 100 calorie shake would fit nicely into my day without me worrying too much about the calories having liquid calories outside of meals and snacks.
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  3. I think designer whey protein tastes the best out of everything except Syntha 6, I love synthia 6 for some reason the chocolate is my favorite but it’s too expensive for me. Designer whey protein is also quite expensive and this is why I avoid it when looking for protein. It also has a low amount of protein, most protein powders have 21+ grams of protein per serving. Either way, it tastes good to mix in some peanut butter its good for your hormones and will help keep your testosterone levels high.
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