Last Friday, I became an aunt. Technically, I will never be an aunt because I am an only child, but my cousin gave birth to a gorgeous baby girl and in my eyes, that makes me an aunt. I was designated the hospital driver because I lived the closest and had a car. I think that when you’ve been through the process yourself people think you will be calmer, but my legs were jello the whole time.
I got the call to go while we were painting eggs at Alex’s godfather’s house, like we do every year. I had just finished dropping an egg into the purple paint that Alex and I were painting for the baby, when Tommy got a phone call. My frantic mother was on the line saying that my cousin’s water broke and everyone had been trying to call me, but I wasn’t answering. I had left my phone in the pocket of my jacket and missed 7 calls! I left Alex and Tommy to paint more eggs and jetted over to their house. I made it there in record time and we were on the way.
When we got the the hospital, they took her to triage and we found out that this was the real deal and that baby was going to be making an appearance that night. Unfortunately, so many other babies had decided to come before Easter that they were stuck without a delivery room to transfer her to. After about 45 minutes in triage, the doctor came over to check her again and was really surprised that she was ready to push. The floors were still being mopped as they pushed her into the delivery room, and less than an hour later the beautiful baby girl had arrived.
The whole birth process was amazing to see on the other side of things. Even though I had given birth myself a bit over 3 years ago, I don’t feel like I remember much of it. When you are in that much pain, everything is a blur, but experiencing the baby girl come into this world and take her first breath was truly amazing and emotional.
I am so happy that Alex has a new baby cousin. Someone to grow up with, make memories with and knowing these two, get in trouble with. I have always imagined the holidays and other family functions with a bunch of kids running around, and it is becoming a reality! We couldn’t have asked for a better surprise from the Easter Bunny!
Congrats! Wish my labour and delivery was that speedy 😛
Kierston @candyfit recently posted..My Only Temptation: My Goal!
Oh, how special! Congratulations to your whole family!
Shari recently posted..Happy 50th, General Hospital!
yay congrats! cousins are the sweetest!
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