My Week in Eats – #WIAW

It’s been a while since I’ve shared some eats, and since it’s Wednesday, I think a WIAW post is in order. My eats are a bit all over the place lately. I’ve been focusing more on school and less on the kitchen, since finals are just around the corner. Just two more weeks and I’ll be free for three months and back in the kitchen in full swing. Until then, these will have to do.

After eating eggs for about three months straight, my breakfast of choice has changed. Whole wheat toast with Trader Joe’s Almond Cocoa Spread topped with bananas. I know that the spread is just glorified Nutella, but it is so good!


Over the weekend, I tried something that I had been wanting to make for a looong time. I took pre-made cinnamon rolls and put them in the waffle maker to get cinnamon bun waffles. These babies were delicious and cooked in a quarter of the time that they would’ve taken in the oven. photo(59)One of my fav lunches of the week was Southwestern Quinoa Salad topped with a Trader Joe’s Mahi Mahi burger. Super quick to throw together in the

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morning and it keeps me full for hours.



I got this Avocado Salad from a new cafe that opened up down the block from my office. I was pleasantly surprised to see that they actually grated the carrot and cut the cabbage fresh in front of me. Little touches like that make all the difference, and the grilled bread wasn’t half bad either.


Tommy made this yummy stir fry over the weekend. We bought a bunch of pre-cut stir fry veggies from Trader Joe’s and dinner came together in like 15 minutes.


Another delicious dinner was this Lobster Ravioli. I tossed it with some melted garlic butter and ate it with a small salad.


You know that Spring is here when grilled pizza enters the menu. Tommy made this veggie and a pepperoni on Sunday while I was studying. Grilled pizza is the best because it comes together in minutes – way faster than baking in the oven and it gets a wonderfully crispy thin crust.


And last but not least is some Chobani goodness. Kammie and I met up at Chobani Soho last week for some yogurt, since she was visiting NYC for a few days. When I first heard about the place, I thought it was another frozen yogurt place, but they actually serve Chobani yogurt with a bunch of interesting combinations of topping. I went for the Pistachio + Chocolate, which was plain Chobani topped with dark chocolate, clover honey, pistachios, orange, and hint of Fresh Mint. I really enjoyed my yogurt and was very excited when they told us we could keep the bowl!

chobani soho

What’s the best thing you ate this week?

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  1. Very healthy and yummy looking eats! I must try that quinoa salad! The best thing I have eaten so far this week was a spaghetti bolognese, I hadn’t had it in so long so I really enjoyed it!

    Happy Wednesday!

    • I have an unhealthy relationship with Nutella – like I can eat the jar in one sitting if I don\’t stop myself. :/ I love stir frys too. So quick and full of veggies!

  2. This is your idea of not really focusing on food this week? This all looks amazing and well planned! Plus the photography is beautiful! Best wishes in your final school stretch, and I am definitely making cinnamon roll waffles for the fiancé’s bday breakfast this year! Thanks for the tip!!
    Martha recently posted..Out of HibernationMy Profile

    • Thank you! I\’m just a few days away from summer vacation. Hope your fiance enjoys his birthday breakfast! 🙂

  3. Looks like you’re managing pretty well with a busy schedule. 🙂

    Let me just say that there’s nothing wrong with glorified nutella 😉 Second, I LOVE those TJs mahi burgers! Third, what a genius idea putting cinnamon buns into the waffle maker! Definitely need to try!
    Kristi @ lifesprinkles recently posted..My Happy List: 4/24My Profile

    • Thanks, but I have to give a lot of the credit to my boyfriend. He\’s been great with making dinners lately. I love the mahi burgers, too. We stocked up last week because someone at TJ\’s told me that their hard to come by sometimes.


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