#FitBlogNYC 2013 – The Seminars

To say that its been a busy week would be an understatement! I had three papers to write, but there was a light at the end of my busy week tunnel because on Thursday, I got to attend the Fitness Magazine Blogger Meet & Tweet, better known as #FitBlogNYC! #FitBlogNYC is an event set up by Fitness Magazine that bring together a bunch of bloggers, brands, and fitness and healthy living professionals for a day of seminars, socializing and, of course, a ton of fun.


I started off the morning by meeting a bunch of fellow bloggers at Cafรฉ Ole. We got to know each other in real life over some coffee before heading over to the Mercedes Club where the event was being held. The Mercedes Club is probably one of the coolest gyms in all of New York City, complete with outdoor yoga space and a swimming pool.


We were greeted in the lobby, given our super cool badges for the day and told to grab some breakfast and head out to socialize before the panels started. I grabbed a muffin and some juice headed out to enjoy the warm weather. Most of the event was held outdoors and the weather totally cooperated – it was gorgeous all day long!

fitblognyc badge

The first seminar was speaker was Insider Beauty Secrets to Get You Glowing with Stilaโ€™s head makeup artist Sarah Lucero. She shared some great beauty secrets with us.


  • Her beauty on the go must haves are – mist, moisturizer and mascara.
  • Summer trend = power pout. Neon lipsticks!
  • To look good in the heat, less is more. Match the weight of your makeup with the weight of your clothing. Get a good tinted moisturizer or BB/CC cream.
  • Brows are important!

Up next was Dr. Jennifer Ashton, who is ABC News’ Senior Medical contribute with Healthy, Strong and Sexy In Your 20s, 30s and Beyond. She was incredibly insightful and I loved listening to her speak.

jennifer ashton fitblognyc

  • Women are selfless and stoic and the stronger sex.
  • Thank your body and your body will thank you
  • Move, Rest, Nourish
  • Life is an Olympic sport and we have to train for it.

After that was the Blogger Business Panel featuring Dana Weiss of the Possessionista, Deb Pearlman of Smitten Kitchen, Jill Hanner of JillHanner.com, and Erin Whitehead of the Fit Bottomed Girls. It was inspiring to listen to these amazing women who have made their blogs into their careers.

blogger business fitblognyc

  • Don’t blog for the money, but know your value.
  • Don’t waste your time worrying about what other people are doing. Be original, it’s what makes YOU stand out!
  • You don’t have to say yes to every offer you will get
  • Lighting and sound are the most important aspects of YouTube

Next up was Brett Hoebel, celebrity trainer and former Biggest Loser trainer. His seminar was about the Extreme Fitness Trend and right off the bat he spoke about Crossfit, a man after my own heart! Check out what he thinks below.

Finally, Rocco Dispirito was the last speaker. He spoke about his journey to Italy to learn to cook from real Italian mommas and about how to eat good food and not gain weight.

rocco dispirito fitblognyc

  • More Americans die from obesity than anything else
  • Chefs plate food to look good, regardless of calories, so split the calories before they get to you. Ask for half to be packed up to go.
  • He has a recipe for Greek yogurt whipped cream in his new book. (If that’s not incentive to buy it, I don’t know what is.)
  • Make sure you purchase 100% whole grain bread. If it doesn’t say 100% it probably isn’t.

After the seminars were done, we headed in to grab some lunch and have some fun with the event sponsors, but that is a post for another day!

Have you ever been to a blogger conference? Which of the seminars would you have wanted to listen to most?

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    • It was an awesome time! The panelists were so insightful. I could listen to them speak for days!

    • It was great seeing you too! We have to get together sometime soon! Let\’s make plans. ๐Ÿ™‚


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