Memorial Day 2013

It feels like I haven’t blogged in forever, but it’s not my fault! Due to some corrupt tables (look at me pretending like I know what that means) I wasn’t able to publish any new posts last week. Luckily, Ryan from WP Site Care came to my rescue. If you ever have any issues with your WordPress blog, give him a shout. I tried to fix my issue for three days, it took him 15 minutes! Lifesaver!

Since I wasn’t able to post last week, I wasn’t able to announce the winner of the Bestowed Box giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Hope, send me an e-mail at so I can pass along your info and get you your box! If you didn’t win and still want to try a Bestowed box, use code 5OFFBSTOWED01 for $5 off your first box!

Now that business is taken care of, lets talk about the good stuff – Memorial Day Weekend! We spent the weekend in the Poconos and split our time between my parents and Tommy’s parents house. Before we left on Friday, we checked the weather and the forecast was showing it was going to be cold and rainy, but we woke up to this!


While it was chilly on Saturday, the sun never left the sky and it made for a beautiful weekend. Munchkin and I played soccer and flipped tires while Tommy did some landscaping work. I also got to practice my newest obsession – HANDSTANDS! I discovered on Wednesday at Crossfit that I am strong enough to do handstands and I’m kind of hooked and trying to do them everywhere now.



We also did some shopping at the outlets. A lot of stores had 50% off the entire store deals, so I got a bunch of great deals on summer clothes, like these amazing neon shorts. I am LOVING the neon trend and I can’t wait to rock these bad boys!


On Sunday it was in the mid 70s so we braved the chilly pool water to dip our feet. Tommy’s brother actually jumped in

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and went for a swim, but I am not that brave a soul.


Overall, the weekend was a success and I had a blast. Only four days until next weekend!

What did you do this weekend?

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