If you would’ve asked the 15 year old me, what’s beautiful, I probably would have spouted out an answer that was the complete opposite of all my physical features. To say that I’ve never been happy with my body, would be an understatement.
Since getting pregnant and having my son, my body has gone through some amazing changes. The same belly that stretched to hold a whopping 10 lbs 1 ounce little guy was left soft and squishy with stretch marks to boot. With becoming a mom, something in me changed. I no longer cared for the parties I once lived for, I now wanted to be healthy and happy for my little guy. I started to run, I started to work out, I started to be healthy. With every mile I ran and every heavy weight I lifted, I realized that my body might not be “perfect” by society’s standards, but it is mine and it is beautiful. Every woman is beautiful.
I followed Under Armour’s What’s Beautiful Contest last year, but I didn’t participate. When I heard that it was happening again this year, I knew I had to be a part of it. I knew that this community of amazing women would help me achieve one of my biggest goals – to run a half marathon.
After running my 10k last year, I knew I wanted to go farther. Don’t get me wrong, the 10k wasn’t easy. I wouldn’t say that I’m a particularly good or strong runner, but it is something I am passionate about and something I want to be able to look back on one day. Something to tell my grandkids someday.
I WILL…complete my first half marathon.
Join me! Follow my profile on the What’s Beautiful website and if your goal is to run a half marathon join my team – The Half Crazy Ladies. Get on the What’s Beautiful page, get inspired and inspire others. We are all beautiful.
What’s your goal for #whatsbeautiful? How do you define beauty?
I love this! NO more watching for you. I can’t wait to hear how the half goes!
Pamela Hernandez recently posted..The Best Fit Things to Do in Seattle
get it girl! you’re gonna rock it!
Lindsay @ The Lean Green Bean recently posted..Blend Retreat Recap
Good for you! I so happy for you that your experience helped you redefine beauty. I wish society could think the same way!
Running your first half marathon is such a great goal! Have you picked a race yet. Nothing like picking and signing up to help keep that motivation rolling along

Debbie @ Live from La Quinta recently posted..Weekly Training Recap: The Costume Party Run, Week 2
Yeah! Great goal! I’ll be cheering you on, all along the way!
When are you thinking about doing a half?
E @ adventure of E recently posted..#iwill: learning about a tri
Wonderful post! I also have issues with my post-baby body. If you want to check it out, I wrote about it here: http://riserunmomrepeat.blogspot.com/2012/08/thankful-thursday-stretchmarks.html

Keep up your great attitude and you’ll rock your half marathon!
Jamie @ Rise.Run.Mom.Repeat. recently posted..Who has Monkey Butt?
Great goal! I know you will rock it!!
I love this. A half marathon was incredibly scary for me. I ended up training with team in training because I knew there would be a bit of hand holding involved and there was no way I couldn’t not do it. ( I know that this isn’t feasible for everyone, just what worked for me). While my time may not be the fastest, I am still very proud and I have 2 (maybe 3) half marathons on the books!
Kelly @ Cupcake Kelly’s recently posted..What’s Beautiful: Just Like Me!
Good luck, I look forward to reading all about your half marathon training
You can do it
Sarah Scott recently posted..New meeting and new leader
I define beauty as: striving to accomplish goals – because when you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything and when you accomplish the things you want, you will have a permanent SMILE on your face — Smiling = Beautiful

GiGi Eats Celebrities recently posted..Bodacious Body Types!
GREAT goal. You total got this!
Abby recently posted..WoW!