Track Your Life from Your Wrist

I have a new obsession! After waiting weeks and weeks for it to arrive, my FitBit Flex made its way to my mailbox last Friday, and since then I have been obsessed with it and all of the cool features and logs I now have to scour over.


The FitBit Flex is a little tracker that you wear in a band on your wrist. It is about the same thickness as one of those silicone, rubber bracelet things, and is super comfortable, even to sleep in. It is water resistant, so you can wear it in the shower with no problems. The only time I took it off in the past week was when we went swimming at my uncle’s house.

It syncs with your smartphone or computer and tracks your steps, distance, calories burned, how well you’re sleeping and even what you eat and drink. You can also add friends who also have FitBit products and compete against them to see who can get the most steps in a week. Yes, I am a nerd and I love stuff like this!


In the short time that I’ve had it, I feel that the FitBit has opened my eyes about a few things. For one, even though I work out almost on a daily basis, I am very sedentary for most of the day, especially at work. Our office is pretty small and once I get up from my desk, I tend to multitask. I will put something in the copy machine, go to the bathroom and refill my Camelbak all in one trip to save time, but this also cuts down on my time spend moving. Don’t tell my boss, but I’ve been making a conscious effort to move around more, and quite honestly I am a fast walker

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so I spend about the same amount of time but with double or triple the steps.

Everywhere you turn you hear the catchphrase that sitting is the new smoking and studies have found that prolonged sitting increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes and also slows metabolism, even if you work out! While to some the FitBit may seem like another silly device to tinker with, but I think it is a great way to motivate yourself to move more and in turn, be healthier.

If you have a FitBit I’d love to be friends! Leave your email in the comments and we can be BFFs. šŸ™‚

Do you use any devices to track steps, food, weight, etc.? Which ones?

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  1. I’ve been wanting one of these for so long! I had a jawbone up for a while, but they sent me the wrong size so it got on my nerves and I had to return it!
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  2. Totally agree! I’ve got the Fitbit One and LOVE it! Very eye opening info. I learned so much about my sleep. LIke hello I get so much less than I thought.

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