In the spirit of soaking up the last days of summer, I totally ignored the overflowing laundry basket and went to the piers with my little man. My original plan was to pick up our CSA share, spend 45 minutes to an hour at the piers and come home to laundry, cleaning, etc, but when we got there, time flew and we had an absolute blast.
I am always the mom who is climbing on the monkey bars because Alex is always calling me over to play with him, but yesterday we went above an beyond. We started out with playing tag, which is the little man’s favorite game lately, before moving on to rolling down the hills and practicing handstand and cartwheels. It was the most fun I’ve had in a long time, and time flew. Before we knew it the sun was down and it was time to get going home.
The whole experience made me think. Why do people ever stop playing? Why does it suddenly become uncool in the 6th or 7th grade to play tag at recess? Why do we sit on benches and gossip while our kids run around at the park? Why do we complain that we have to exercise, when it comes so naturally to kids? Why do we loose the need and the drive to play?
When we stop playing, physical movement becomes a chore. If you tell a six year old they can go to the park, they are overjoyed. They run, jump, climb and have a blast. When you tell a 40 year old they have to start working out, it is a chore. It is an extra thing on a to-do list that is already miles long. I am lucky enough to live in a place where I have two adult playgrounds within walking distance, with a third opening at the piers probably next spring, but not all people are so lucky. Not everyone sees exercise as fun, and it is something that needs to change within our culture. Studies show that increased physical activity can cure diseases, everything from depression, to obesity, to diabetes can be controlled with a proper diet and more physical movement. But even so, most people turn to medication to control their health issues, instead of starting within themselves.
I don’t know why we stop playing, but I do know that I am having too much fun to stop.
Do you see exercise as fun or a chore? Do you remember how old you were when playing became uncool?
I agree- we should keep playing! I was actually that anomalous 6th grade girl that was swinging on the monkey bars and getting sweaty on the basketball court rather than sit on the benches. I have always found that I “exist” better when I move (sleep, work, think, etc) and so while some days it sucks and is hard, I generally enjoying exercise. I even take the time do to “kid” things like play on swings (much easier on my 32 year old body than the monkey bars!), take rock climbing and trapeze classes…because you only stay young by playing young! Great post!
Chrissy recently posted..From Scraped Knees to Sweet Potatoes: I Had a Bad Day
I always go on the swings!
CrossFit is definitely playing!!!! 🙂
Heck yes! The absolute best kind of grown-up playing!
I love this! I’ve never thought about exercise that way– it’s an interesting perspective. I’ll definitely keep this in mind next time I’m having trouble convincing myself to go to the gym. Just wanted to say thanks for sharing. =)
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Hope it helps! 🙂