Designer Whey Protein Ice Cream

Just when I thought that Designer Whey couldn’t get any better, I got a big box in the mail. I got more of my favorite pre-made shakes and bars, but they also sent me two delicious flavors that I hadn’t had the opportunity to try – Vanilla Almond and Strawberry. As usual, the packaging was great. Their boxes totally remind me of an elementary school science project, but I love all the great info on there!


I love the pre-made shakes because they taste just like a milkshake and they are the perfect thing to throw in your purse or gym bag for when you find yourself starving without being able to get something good to eat.  They are only 100 calories but pack in 18g ofprotein, as well as, calcium, vitamin-D, and B-vitamins. And seriously, they taste soo good!


The Designer Whey protein bars are my absolute fav. They come in three flavors- Triple Chocolate, Peanut Butter and Chocolate Caramel, and seriously taste like candy bars, with only 160 calories and 10g of protein. Most of mine were very quickly scooped up by Tommy because he is a huge fan of them.  He’s been traveling a lot for work lately and they make a great airplane snack. They also make a great afternoon with a cup of coffee. So good!


The Protein 2 Go are also a favorite of mine. I carry a bunch of these in my gym bag for a quick post workout protein kick and I also have a few in my desk at work, for when I am craving something fruity but don’t want to reach for junk. Each little packet gives you 10g of protein and great tasting water for only 50 calories and 1 gram of sugar.

to go

Last, but not least, are the two protein powders I received – Vanilla Almond and Strawberry. Like all Designer Whey proteins I’ve tried, they blend great and don’t leave you with the weird chalky after taste.


My favorite thing lately has been using the strawberry protein to make protein ice cream. It has only 4 ingredients and is super easy to throw together in the blender when you sweet tooth kicks in!


I was also sent vouchers to try Smari yogurt, a new Icelandic yogurt that Designer Whey has teamed up with. I haven’t been able to find it in any stores near me, but I am keeping an eye out for it because it sounds delicious. It is supposedly thicker and creamier than Greek yogurt, made from all organic milk and packs in 20 grams of protein per cup! If you’re in NYC and have seen this, let me know where because I am dying to try it!

What is your favorite protein flavor? What’s your favorite protein recipe?

**I was provided these products free of change thanks to Fitfluentual and Designer Whey. All opinions, as always, are my own!**

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  1. Nice package – I won something on their recent twitter chat, I got a container of the vanilla protein powder and some coupons for the Smari yogurt, but haven’t had a chance to go to the store to get any yet.
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