So I wrote a post yesterday and WordPress ate it. Womp womp womp.
Long story short.
Preschool is germ central. Alex came home from school on Thursday with a fever. The fever kept coming back until we decided to go to the ER on Sunday. (Can I also mention that my insurance is nuts and wouldn’t let us go to an Urgent Care Center because it’s not covered, but told me to go to the ER where it probably cost 10x as much for us to see a doctor.) Four hours later, we found out that Alex has the beginnings of pneumonia. Antibiotics were given. Fever disappeared. My happy little man is back.

Sick kid = schedule out of whack.
We will be returning to regularly scheduled broadcasting shortly. That is, if I can transfer my hosting. Does anyone know how the heck to get an EPP code if you purchased your domain through WordPress. No? No one who works for them knows either.
Is it Friday yet?
Hope the little guy feels better! One more day till Friday, you can do it :D!
Oh Sylvia, I hear you about sick kids and schedules. Hope he gets better soon and you can feel back to normal.
So an EPP code? Um , I don’t even know what that is..oooppss {something important}?
Oy. I hear you. Pre-school and school ARE germ central! Except usually in our case, the kids bring home all the nice germs to me and I get sick which is what happened this week. Boo. I’m glad that Alex is feeling better.
Christine @ Love, Life, Surf recently posted..Coffee Talk
So glad your little guy is feeling better!