Pumpkin Picking!

It is officially fall at our house. On Saturday, Alex and I put up all of our Fall and Halloween decorations.



On Sunday we headed out to Long Island to go pumpkin picking at Stakey’s Pumpkin Farm. Going to Stakey’s with Tommy’s goddaughter has become a family tradition and every single year, it seems that the weather stinks. Either way we always have a blast, and what kid doesn’t like getting muddy, right?




I love Stakey’s because you get to actually go out into the field and pick your pumpkins off the vine, they have a ton of different varieties and their fields are huge. You could walk around for hours picking out pumpkins and if you’re like me, you find way too many perfect pumpkins and have a hard time choosing which ones to bring home. My favorite part is that you can pay for your pumpkin by the pound or do the all you can carry option, which is just what it sounds like. For $25 you can take home anything you can carry. We got 84 pounds of pumpkin!

tommypumpkinsNo trip to the pumpkin farm is complete without some Apple Cider donuts. These were made while we waited and the little hands couldn’t wait for them to cool.

photo(52)Now to carve the pumpkins!

Do you have any fall traditions? Do you go pumpkin picking?

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    • That\’s so cool. You kinda had your own pumpkin patch! Caramel apples are amazing! I had one at the county fair this summer.

    • He will be old enough before you know it! Not all the pumpkins were mine, but the biggest ones were though. I love the look of pumpkins on the front steps!


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