What Does Your Birthday Say About You?

Even though I’m not completely sure that I believe in horoscopes, I check mine monthly and I am always able to find things that match what it said. I also think I fit the description of a Virgo pretty well – observant, critical, helpful and I like to keep to myself. I was recently introduced to a different kind of horoscope- the Secret Language. It’s not based on the stars and planets like traditional astrology, it is based on personality traits found during a 40-year study of more than 20,000 people.


When you plug in your birthday, the website gives you your Secret Language Name. I was super excited to see what my birthday would say about me, and I was also surprised to find how long and thorough the horoscope was.

sept10The Secret Language Name is supposed to reveal a person’s natural identity. For example, Abe Lincoln was an “Intentional Unifier” and Mother Theresa was an “Innocent Supportive Partner.” If I think about mine, “Passionate Private Goals” I can say that it fits me. Even though I’m a blogger and put a lot of my life out for the world to see, I tend to keep a lot to myself, especially goals that I’m not sure I can achieve because I don’t want to look like a failure.

The horoscope is separated into 6 different sections – day, week, path, way, month, and season. Each section goes into a different part of your personality, different traits, goals, challenges and fulfillment. There are also sections that show famous people who share you birthday and their Secret Language Names.


I feel that my Secret Language Name really described me well and that my horoscope was very on point. What I was most surprised to read was the negative aspects of my personality. Even though I know that I am easily frustrated, anxious and excitable, the horoscope goes into detail and really makes you think and evaluate yourself. It was also spot on about me having a hard time finding my place in life. Even though I am almost done with law school, I often feel that law is not what I want to do, but I don’t really know what other profession I would like to pursue.

What I found even more interesting was to read the horoscopes of my friends. Even though you may know someone very well, there are always things that people keep inside and don’t reveal to others. Being able to read the horoscopes of my friends made it seem like I was getting into their heads and getting to know them better.

Overall, I had a great time looking into the Secret Language. I discovered some things about myself that I always knew where there, but that I was not always aware of. Reading the Secret Language names of my friends also opened my eyes and helped me know and understand them better. Even if you aren’t a fan of traditional horoscopes, I think you will enjoy reading about your Secret Language Name and who knows, maybe you will learn something about yourself!

Do you follow horoscopes? What’s you Secret Language Name?

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

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    • I totally read my son\’s too, but it\’s hard to tell if any of it is going to be true because he\’s only 3!

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