Blogger Gift Guide

I can’t believe that we are less than a month from Christmas. Even though it’s not the most important part of Christmas, I love shopping and finding that perfect gift for the people that I love.  I love browsing different gift guides online before making my purchases, so I thought it would be fun to put together some of my own. First up is Gift Ideas for Bloggers.

If you are a blogger or know a blogger, you know that we spend a lot of time with our heads in the clouds thinking of new ideas to write about. I think this list has a good range of prices and things that any blogger would love.
1. I live in my Moleskine Planner. All of my blog deadlines go in there as soon as I get them, along with all of my school, work and family/fun events and appointments. This not only helps me stay on track with things coming up, it gives me a place to look back and make sure that

2. Twitter Plate Necklace. You can get a nameplate with your blogger’s twitter handle or favorite hashtag. I think this is super cute and also a great conversation starter.

3. Blogger t-shirt. There are a ton of different blog related t-shirts out there. I thought this one was super fun

4. Prints. There are some amazing blog related prints on Etsy and I can totally see myself hanging this up in my home office in the near future.

5. A fancy camera. I have a Canon EOS Rebel T3 and I absolutely love it. I’m going to be honest and say that I don’t know how to use all of the features this camera has to offer, but just using it in aperture mode makes an incredible difference in photo quality.

6. Notebook. I always have a notebook in my purse and I am always jotting down ideas that pop into my head. I am a sucker for cute covers like this one from Sugar Paper LA.

7. Business Cards. Whenever I attend a blogger event, I go through a ton of business cards. It’s always nice to have a backup and if your blogger doesn’t have a card, it feels so amazing the first time you see your blog name on a business card. I get mine from Moo.

8. Laptop accessories. I love this Chevron Keyboard Cover and there are a ton of different cases and covers you can choose from.

9. USB Drives. At any given time I have at least two USB Flash Drives on me. I keep a ton of pictures and documents on these and they are super handy. I love this cute Hello Kitty USB Flash Drive and they come in tons of characters.

10. Mugs. I love sitting down to bog with a cup of coffee or tea and I am a sucker for cute mugs.

I hope you found this list helpful.

Which of the things on the list would you want to get as a gift?


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  1. Love these ideas! The Twitter necklace is hilarious but I know my friends would tease me if I wore it. And yes, I’m going to need to reprint business cards soon…Oy. I’d really love a better video camera since my Flip died a couple months back. I just don’t get the same quality with my DSLR or even moving my iMac around my apartment. HA!
    Running Hutch recently posted..Gift Guide for Active WomenMy Profile

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