Archives for January 2014

Snow Day

As much as snow can be a huge pain in the butt in NYC, I love a snow day. On Tuesday, Alex had early dismissal so we headed home around noon, before the snow really started to come down. I am super thankful for the early dismissal because later that day, I read Facebook status…

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Dark Chocolate Blossoms

A few weeks ago I got an email from Smart Balance asking if I wanted to try their new Dark Chocolate Peanut Butters. Of course, my answer was of course. A few days later these two wonderful jars of goodness, one creamy and one chunky, arrived on my doorstep and the little man and I…

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Friday Favoritos

1. My little man being 4. I can’t believe that he is 4, but I am trying to soak up every minute of it. He has a great sense of humor and his teachers tell me that he is hilarious and very bright. He loves to read books and count everything in sight.  We had…

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What We’ve Been Up To

I’m sitting here with my post-workout coffee and thinking about how to share all the great things that have happened since I last posted a long, long time ago. Don’t mind the bright green walls and stickers, I’m in Alex’s playroom/my workout area. I last updated right after I finished with my finals. We had…

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