Dear Winter,

Dear Winter,

I’m done. We’re over. Having you around was nice for a while, but now I can’t wait to see you go.

I’ll admit, when it was hot and humid in the summer, I said I missed you and couldn’t wait for you to arrive. The first time we were expecting a snow storm, I was excited. On our first snow day, I was ecstatic. Getting paid to sit at home and play with you and Alex? But, over time, our relationship went south along with the temperatures. The cold wind, the never melting snow, the circling and looking for parking spots, it was all getting old winter.


I told you to pack your things and go winter, but you just won’t leave. You keep coming back and dropping more of your unwelcome, white baggage. Please winter, if you even a little bit of remorse, leave now and I won’t hold it against you. If you quit while you’re ahead, maybe some

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people will even look forward to your return.


As for me, I’m ready to get to know your cousin Spring really well. Now excuse me while I go dig out my car because school will probably not be cancelled tomorrow because our school’s chancellor thinks Nor’easters make for a beautiful day.

His face says it all.
His face says it all.


Sylvia (and the rest of the NorthEast)


P.S. Happy Valentine’s Day!

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