Monday Coffee Date

If we were to have a coffee date today, it for sure would not be at my house because it currently looks like this! Yikes!


Our bathroom and kitchen are currently under construction and I cannot wait for them to be done. The bathroom is already usable, but still needs to be painted and the kitchen, well, it still has some way to go. We are living out of basically our living room and our bedroom and its hard. Hopefully it will be completed within the next two weeks. I am so excited to decorate!

I would tell you that I am a now not only a soccer mom, but a hockey mom too. The little man started both a new season of soccer and his first hockey learn to skate lessons. Between sports, wedding planning and trips to Home Depot, we are busy bees.


Speaking of wedding planning, it has kind of stalled. We have our date, we have our place, but we don’t have much else. I’m planning on sharing my wedding planning adventures in more detail. Possibly a wedding planning blog series? We shall see!

I also celebrated by birthday last week. I am officially the big 2-7. I have found that the older I get, the less I feel like going out and partying for my birthday. Instead, we went to sushi dinner at Fushimi and enjoyed a delicious fruit tart from Fortunado Brother’s.


I also had the opportunity to go to America’s Got Talent. I don’t really follow the show, but my mom is a big fan. She got an email on Tuesday night that she can come pick up tickets at 8 PM, so we went. It was a lot of fun to watch all of the performers live. If you watch the show, you might have been able to see the top of my head during the standing ovations because we were on the very top.


Last, but not least, I got a new phone. After being loyal to my iPhones for the last 6 years, I took the plunge and switched to Android. I got the LG G3 and I am so in love with it. Every time I discover a new feature I turn to Tommy and say I love this phone. I’m pretty sure he is sick of hearing about it but, I can totally understand why Android users make fun of the iPhone.


Are you an iPhone or Android user? Did you play any sports as a kid?

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