What I’ve Been Eating Lately WIAW

I never thought that the layout of a kitchen would make me want to cook more, but since our renovation finished, I have been so excited to be in the kitchen cooking yummy food for my family. It might also have something to do with the fact that we were kitchen-less for a month (and it was horrible!) I thought it would be fun to share some eats in WIAW form, since it’s been a while since I’ve done one of these posts.

Oatmeal has become my go to breakfast almost every morning. On weekdays when I don’t have as much time, I microwave some Trader Joe’s instant oatmeal with milk and water, but when I do have the time I go for old fashioned oats on the stove. I love to throw in a banana and some almond butter for taste.


We picked up this salad a few times from Trader Joe’s and it is wonderful. If you’ve been to Trader Joe’s lately, you’ve probably seen how pumpkin flavored everything appeared on the shelves lately, but this is a great subtle pumpkin flavor that’s actually pretty good for you. I really hope that TJ’s decided to bottle the vinaigrette because it is soo good!


For dinners, I have been obsessed with my spiralizer. I promised myself that when the kitchen was done I would buy a spiralizer and I received an amazon gift card from my cousin for my birthday and immediately purchased the Paderno World Cuisine Spiralizer. Trust me when I say it was worth every penny.

This is spiralized zucchini with cherry tomatoes, baby bella mushrooms and shrimp topped with a little Parmesan cheese.


This is yellow squash with spinach, chicken and feta cheese. Both these dishes took like 20 minutes tops to make. So easy and so delicious.



This was baked chicken with spaghetti squash and bacon Brussels spouts. I forgot to snap an after picture, but it was so good!


No WIAW is complete without wine and cheese. I could eat that whole block of brie in one sitting!


Last, but not least is sushi! We went to a sushi buffet called Mizumi and it was incredible. Literally every kind of roll you can imagine. I ate waay too much, but I just had to try everything. Luckily we don’t go to these types of places very often.


What have you been cooking up lately? What’s the best thing you ate this week?

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