Archives for February 2016

Kale Quinoa and Roasted Beet Salad

Just a few blocks from our house there is a wonderful Italian market. When you walk in, it is a feast for the eyes with pasta, prepared foods and salads everywhere you look. One of their most popular salads is a kale, quinoa and beet salad that is super simple, yet flavorful. Literally, every time…

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Valentine’s Day Weekend

Hello and Happy President’s Day! I love a good three day weekend and this one was so much fun. We started off Friday with an early Valentine’s Day dinner. Tommy and I went our for Thai food at Qi. It was our first time trying the restaurant. The food was excellent and the decor and ambiance…

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DIY Valentine’s Day Wreath

I love decorating the house for different holidays. I can spend hours in Homegoods or Michael’s going through the home decor sections, looking for the perfect little addition that will make the house a little more cozy and festive. What I don’t love is red and hot pink plastic garland wreaths which start popping up…

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January Favorites

Happy 1st day of February! January was a long, cold month in NYC, but here are a few things that made it a little more enjoyable!   1. Ice Amulet Bracelet: I got this bracelet from my cousin (thanks Patricia!) for Christmas and I have worn it basically every day since. It’s small and dainty, but…

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