DIY Valentine’s Day Wreath

I love decorating the house for different holidays. I can spend hours in Homegoods or Michael’s going through the home decor sections, looking for the perfect little addition that will make the house a little more cozy and festive. What I don’t love is red and hot pink plastic garland wreaths which start popping up in all the stores around Valentine’s Day. I prefer a muted palette and more understated decor, which is why I decided to make my own wreath for our front door.
diy valentines day wreath

The whole project from start to finish took me less than two hours. The most tedious part is the wrapping, but once you get the hang of it, it is easy, just time consuming. I did most of the wrapping in front of the TV while watching Two Broke Girls, so it wasn’t all that bad.

To make this wreath you will need:

  • 1 Styrofoam Wreath Form (I used an 8 inch one)
  • Jute (I found little rolls (25 yards) in the clearance section and used about 2 1/2 )
  • Hot glue gun
  • Artificial flowers or anything else you would like the embellish with

wreath 1

To start, I taped down one end of the jute to the wreath and just started wrapping. When I came to the end of my roll, I tied a little knot with the end to the start of the new roll and kept going. I tried to make sure that the little knots were toward the back so they didn’t take away from the look of the wreath.

wreath in progress

Once the whole wreath was wrapped, I hot glued the end and moved on to the fun part, the decorations.

My biggest piece of advice is to space everything out before gluing. I tried a few different combos before I found the one I liked best. Once I was happy with the way it looked, I started gluing.


I am really happy with the way the wreath turned out, especially the color scheme of it. I was thinking that I could remove the hearts after Valentine’s Day and re-purpose it into a spring/Easter wreath.

What do you think? Do you enjoy DIY projects?



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  1. That is such a beautiful way to bring a little V-Day spirit into your home. I totally agree with you about the really in your face decorations that pop up, I love things that are more subtle and pastel tones so this is beautiful!

  2. I really love how this turned out! I tried a DIY burlap wreath once and just couldn’t like it – something about the way I wrapped the burlap. I think I could do this and looove it. Thanks for sharing!

  3. I love DIY projects my husband and I love making wreaths together for every holiday. When the kids get old enough we will have them join in the fun. Thank you for the inspiration. This wreath is beautiful.

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