Yubo Lunchbox Review

If you are the parent of a child who refuses to eat school lunches, lunchboxes are a big deal. Since the first day of kindergarten, Alex told me that he wants lunch from home because he isn’t sure if he will like the school lunch and he doesn’t want to be hungry at school all day. As easy as it would be to send him out the door each day without having to make a lunch, I am happy to pack his lunch because I know it is healthy and he won’t be eating pizza as his vegetables. When Zazzle offered to send us a customized yubo lunchbox for Alex, we were both really excited.

yubo lunchbox

Alex was super excited because he was able to customize everything about his lunchbox, from the color and the picture to his name and number on the jersey. You can also move the handle to have the lunchbox sit horizontally or vertically.  There are literally 100s of designs to choose from, or you can upload your own. You can also further customize any of the designs on the website, which make for endless possibilities. The best part is that the face plates are removable. So if halfway through the school year, your little one no longer loves kittens and is dying for a puppy lunchbox, you can just swap out the faceplates and all is right in the world. The customization process on the Zazzle website is also very simple and all your edits show up right on your screen, so there are no surprises when it arrives.

yubo lunchbox

I was super excited to try this lunchbox because of all the amazing features. The lunchbox itself is BPA, phthaltate and lead free and recyclable. It is also completely dishwasher safe,minus the removable faceplates. When little man comes home from school with a huge mess in his lunchbox I no longer have to worry about washing it and having it dry in time for the morning like I did with his old lunchbox, I just throw this baby into the dishwasher and it come out sparkling clean in 30 minutes.

yubo lunchbox

Another thing that I was very excited about was that this is not only a lunchbox, it is a whole lunch kit. It comes with a perfectly sized ice pack, a sandwich container and two little containers for snacks. There are also different sized containers  and water bottle holders that you can purchase separately from Zazzle. The lunchbox fits a lot of food. Alex is a pretty good eater and I can fit a sandwich, a fruit or veggie, a yogurt/ applesauce pouch, a juice box and a fruit bar, with room to spare.


We are hoping that with his belly full, Alex will be able to fill his brain with tons of first grade knowledge!

I recieved the yubo lunchbox from Zazzle for review. All opinions are my own. 

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  1. Great organized lunch box. I love that it’s dishwasher safe. It’s so hard to get the soft-side lunch boxes clean. This one looks very durable as well. No squished sandwiches!

  2. We possess four children, two in diapers. In the present climate my better half lately conveys two or three diapers, a insufficient wipes, a pair of emptiness baggies and a pacifier soon in her tote. We keep some additional garments in the nautical aft of the minivan. The whole else is sauce.

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