Nightmare Busting Essential Oil Blend for Kids

Alex has been a fantastic sleeper since he was a baby, but a few weeks ago he started waking up multiple times throughout the night saying he was having nightmares. We tried a whole bunch of things – nightlights, showing him that certain things that were scaring him were fake, but nothing seemed to help. Out of desperation for a full night’s sleep, I decided to turn to oils and see if they would help. After some searching and asking for advice, I put together this blend and I kid you not, we have been sleeping quite well ever since.


In a glass roller ball, I combined 10 drops each of Purification, Lavender, Thieves and Stress Away oils. I filled the rest of the bottle with fractionated coconut oil crossed my fingers and hoped for the best. I picked Purification because it is the one that came up consistently when I asked about nightmares, Lavender and Stress Away because they promote relaxation and sleep and Thieves because it boosts immunity and a healthy kid is a well-sleeping kid.


I applied the oil to the bottoms of Alex’s feet and behind his ears. I also told him that these oils were a special combination to keep the nightmares away from him. That night, he slept great with no nightmares. Since that night, the oils have become part of our night time routine and if I forget to put them on him, Alex is sure to remind me.

Since we started using them, we have all been sleeping much better. While Alex will still have a bad dream occasionally, it is nothing compared to the few weeks of nightly waking we experienced. If your little ones are having issues sleeping, I highly recommend this blend!

If you want to get your hands on my favorite Young Living oils click here!

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  1. Thanks so much for this blend recipe. Made it for my 4 year old who just started waking up 3x a night with nightmares and she slept all night!

  2. I have nightmares as an adult. I started using two drops of each in the diffuser at night and its been wonderful! Thank you for this post.

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