#Adulting: Your Credit Score and Why It Matters

This post is sponsored by Lexington Law but the content and opinions expressed here are my own.

At night, when everyone is in bed and the house is cleaned up, I love to relax on the couch and just enjoy our home. Sometimes I need to pinch myself to realize that we really do live here, and that we bought a 1980s fixer upper and made it our dream home. I had always dreamed of being a homeowner (and I have years of Pinterest boards to prove it), but the road to home ownership isn’t always easy.

One thing they don’t teach you in school is how important your credit score is. It can literally change the course of your life because with a poor credit score, you may not get approved for a mortgage and unless you hit the lotto, you can kiss your dreams of a home goodbye.

Before buying our home, my husband and I went on a saving spree. We buckled down so that we could pay off all of our debt (student loans and credit cards) and save as much as possible for our down payment. I’ll be honest, it sucked at the time to go without, but it was so worth it. We were able to raise our credit scores and get an excellent mortgage rate. We were also able to finance other parts of our home renovation at 0%, which is like getting free money for few months to make big purchases more manageable. None of this would have been possible without our strong credit scores.

Sometimes, things don’t go as planned. Tons of things can happen that affect your credit score and it may feel like it’s impossible to achieve your goals. Sometimes there are mistakes in your credit history, or your identity is stolen. Enter the skilled team of  lawyers and paralegals at Lexington Law. Lexington Law is a consumer advocacy law firm with over a decade of experience helping hundreds of thousands of Americans take steps to improve their credit. They work to resolve issues with creditors, data furnishers and credit bureaus and ensure that your credit reports are fair, accurate and substantiated.

If you want to start improving your credit, a free credit report consultation with Lexington Law is a great first step. They can look at your credit scores from all three bureaus and help you determine what steps to take to get you on track. Even if your credit score is good, Lexington Law is a great resource to use to monitor your credit. Since your credit is something that can affect so many aspects of your life, you want to make sure that everything that shows up on your reports is accurate.

The Lexington Law website/app has tons of great resources that explain how credit scores are calculated, which things affect your credit score the most and what steps to take to correct your credit. They can also help with things like protecting your identity and getting off all of those pesky junk mail and spam phone call lists.

The good news is that your credit score is not written in stone. There are lots of steps you can take to improve it and Lexington Law can help you work towards your credit goals!

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  1. This is really helpful, my husband and I are hoping to be first time home buyers in the near future! Thank you for sharing Sylvia!

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