Frolic Through Life a lifestyle blog Tue, 16 Jul 2024 16:04:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Five Question Friday Fri, 15 Jul 2011 21:23:00 +0000 Amidst all of the new fishy excitement, I forgot that it was Five Question Friday! These questions were too good to pass up! 1. If you knew your best friend’s spouse was cheating on her or him, would you tell her (him)? Yes, and I have.  When I was in high school, I was at...

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Amidst all of the new fishy excitement, I forgot that it was Five Question Friday! These questions were too good to pass up!

1. If you knew your best friend’s spouse was cheating on her or him, would you tell her (him)?

Yes, and I have.  When I was in high school, I was at a party and saw my friend’s girlfriend making out with another guy.  I was good friends with the girl too, so I confronted her about it the next day and she said she wasn’t going to tell her boyfriend because it was just a stupid mistake, so I took it upon myself to tell him.  Long story short, her and the stupid mistake guy are still together like 5 years later, so I guess I did something good for both of them. Some  people say that it’s not their place to say anything, but I feel like its lying by omission.

2. Soda in a can or a bottle?

Can, it totally tastes better from a can.  But, make sure to wipe it down first because those cans can be real dirty. 

3. What do you wash first, hair or body?

Hair first.  I have a lot of hair so it takes me more time to wash it all.  I wash my body while conditioning my hair.  Its all about being efficient. 

4. What advice would you give to any new mama?

Do what you feel is right.  Everyone and their mother [literally] will have the BEST advice to give you, but follow your own intuition because you’re the mommy and know what is best for your baby. And enjoy time with your little one because they grow up so quick!

5. What is your best hangover remedy?
Lots of water before bed will make you feel a lot better in the morning.  I never really get bad hangovers, so I guess I’m one of the lucky ones and if I do feel crappy, I just try to sleep it off.  When I was a youngen in my party days, I would always cure my hangovers with Chinese food, specifically Sesame Chicken.  

Have an AWESOME weekend everyone!

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Smoothie Bowls and 5QF! Fri, 08 Jul 2011 16:29:00 +0000 Yesterday was a day that will change my life forever… I experienced my first smoothie bowl a la Julie from PB Fingers. I make smoothies all of the time, but this was the first time I used frozen fruit and it makes a world of a difference. It was like a bowl of ice cream,...

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Yesterday was a day that will change my life forever… I experienced my first smoothie bowl a la Julie from PB Fingers. I make smoothies all of the time, but this was the first time I used frozen fruit and it makes a world of a difference. It was like a bowl of ice cream, so yummy!

I could probably give up eating real ice cream and just play around with different variations of this.  I used frozen strawberries and peaches and fresh blueberries with a splash of almond milk.  Julie always uses xantham gum in her smoothies to make them thicker and I need to try it next time. Trust me, smoothie bowls don’t disappoint! 

After we enjoyed our huge bowl of smoothie, Munchkin and I worked on an extra special art project for his godparents since both of their birthdays were this week. Happy Birthday Patricia and Paul!

One day he will learn that crayons are for coloring and not for eating.  I seriously can’t turn my head for a minute while he’s using them because they go right in his mouth.  Thank god they’re non-toxic!

After Tommy got home from work and getting his haircut (he looks so sexy), we went to get sushi.  We haven’t had sushi since before Tommy went to Poland so it was a nice change. 

I love the way the sushi chef always plates the sushi and make it look so pretty.  

We were planning on going to see Transformers after dinner because my mom agreed to stay with Munchkin, but the movie is almost three hours long! Since it started at 8pm we wouldn’t have gotten home until midnight and since Tommy had to be up at 5am, that wasn’t an option.  

Is it just me, but when a movie is over two hours long, it kind of turns me off from wanting to see it.  I feel like if I don’t like it, sitting there for three hours will seem like an eternity.  I have heard good things about Transformers though, so I still want to see it. We watched some Wipeout instead because that show entertains me to no end.  I would love to go on it, it looks like so much fun!

Now since it is Friday, it’s time for Five Question Friday!

1. Do you think cursive writing is overrated? (Schools in Indiana have now voted to take teaching cursive writing out of their curriculum.)

I don’t think I’ve used cursive since grade school and even my signature is more of a squiggle than cursive, so I don’t know.  For me personally, it is overrated because I spent so much time learning and practicing it as a kid and I don’t even use it.  But, I don’t know how I feel if my child’s school decided to stop teaching it.  

2. Do you still use a pocket calendar or notepad or do you keep your info on your smart phone?

I use a pocket calendar, especially for school.  Although I use my phone for almost everything, there’s something about having a written calendar that makes me feel more organized.  I love Moleskine planners and am ordering a new one for my next semester.  

3. What 3 things would you save if your house was burning down? (family & pets are already safe)

Probably my laptop because it has all my pictures, and all the pictures of Munchkin since birth.  I feel like everything else is material and could be replaced, but pictures are memories that are irreplaceable. 

4. Country Mouse or City Mouse, err Person?

While I have been a total City Mouse my whole life and when I was younger, I never thought I would be able to leave the city.  After having Munchkin and thinking about raising a family, I would not want to raise them in the city.  I want to have a big yard with a pool and I want to feel okay with letting my kids run around the neighborhood.  I don’t think I could ever be a total Country Mouse, but I can see myself being a Suburb Mouse. 

5. If you could pick ANY reality show to go on, which would you pick?

When I was younger I always wanted to go on the Real World on MTV, but lately when I catch the show, the people on there seem so trashy, getting plastered and hooking up with everyone.  Maybe I’m just getting old.  I think I would like to be on Dancing with the Stars.  I would looove to learn how to ballroom dance and the contestants always end up looking amazing after practicing dancing for all those weeks.  With my luck, I’d get voted off the first week.  

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Five Question Friday! Fri, 01 Jul 2011 16:03:00 +0000 Five Question Friday time!  1. If you had the opportunity to bungee jump, would you? YES! I’ve always wanted to go bungee jumping and skydiving.  I almost went skydiving two years ago because a whole group of my friends were planning on going, but sadly, it never happened.  I’ve always wanted to do the bungee...

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Five Question Friday time! 
1. If you had the opportunity to bungee jump, would you?

YES! I’ve always wanted to go bungee jumping and skydiving.  I almost went skydiving two years ago because a whole group of my friends were planning on going, but sadly, it never happened.  I’ve always wanted to do the bungee jumping thing at Six Flags, but I never have anyone to go on it with me.  Maybe I can convince the boyfriend  next time we go. 

2. Would you rather go to the movie theater or to the drive-in?

I’ve never been to the drive-in, but I would love to try it out.  I don’t know which I would prefer, because theaters have some pretty comfy seats these days and my car isn’t the most comfortable vehicle known to man.  

3. Do you have your groceries delivered?

Nope, I enjoy going to the grocery store myself and walking the aisles.  I love supermarkets and have supermarkets that I prefer over others.  My favorite supermarket is Wegman’s, but we don’t have one near us for me to shop at regularly.  

4. Eyebrows: Do you wax, thread, pluck, or stay au naturel?

Wax.  I go to the Benefit Brow Bar at Macy’s in the mall.  I’ve been going there monthly for about a year and I have never been disappointed.  I highly recommend them!

5. Would the people you went to high school with be surprised by your life today?

Probably.  Most people who I went to high school with were really surprised to find out I had a baby. Then again, I didn’t like most of the people in my high school so it makes no difference to me. 

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Five Question Friday! Fri, 24 Jun 2011 13:32:00 +0000 1. What is your current favorite tv show? I am an MTV junkie.  The only two shows that I DVR and watch regularly are Teen Mom and 16 and Pregnant. Embarrassing, I know. I also love game shows, I watch Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune if I’m home.  What a mix, my fav shows are...

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1. What is your current favorite tv show?

I am an MTV junkie.  The only two shows that I DVR and watch regularly are Teen Mom and 16 and Pregnant. Embarrassing, I know. I also love game shows, I watch Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune if I’m home.  What a mix, my fav shows are targeted at teens and senior citizens.

2. What’s the worst haircut you ever got?

The worst haircut I’ve ever had was freshman year of college.  The hairdresser I usually went to had moved to Pennsylvania so I decided to go to another stylist in the same salon.  Big mistake.  I’ve had side swept bangs for years, but when I told this lady to trim my bangs she decided to chop them off in the middle of my forehead.  It made look like a little girl with a really round head.  I wore my bangs clipped up for like two months until they grew back. 

3. What was something that you did as a child that you thought you were so cool for doing?

For reasons unknown to me to this day, me and my friends thought we were crazy daredevils and used to jump off the roof of my garage into a patch of dirt next to the garage.  Looking back at it, it was a really stupid thing to do because if we missed the dirt patch we would crash onto concrete, but we thought we were so bad ass for doing it. 

4. Do you have any GREAT frugal family fun tips?

Sadly, I do not, but I am looking forward to reading other responses to this question to find some good ways to save money!

5. Would you drive across country if you had the money to fly?
I would love to take a cross country road trip so if i had the time and money to do so, I would totally choose a road trip over flying.   There are so many amazing things to see in this country that would totally be missed while flying over it at 30,000 feet.

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Five Question Friday! Fri, 10 Jun 2011 14:04:00 +0000     1. How close to your childhood dreams is your life now? Parts of my life are close to what I dreamed of as a child.  I have an amazing son and amazing boyfriend, who I hope to marry someday.  I’m also in school working towards something that will someday be a fulfilling career....

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1. How close to your childhood dreams is your life now?

Parts of my life are close to what I dreamed of as a child.  I have an amazing son and amazing boyfriend, who I hope to marry someday.  I’m also in school working towards something that will someday be a fulfilling career. While I’m not there yet, I’m happy with where my life is.
2. What is one must have item for the summer?
 In the house, air conditioning for sure.  It gets so hot and steamy in NYC that I wouldn’t be able to sleep most nights without the AC.  A must have clothing item would be sandals.  I haven’t worn real shoes in over a month, except for sneakers when I work out. 

3. Do you have your kids stay up on school stuff during summer vacation? (Or, if you don’t have kiddos, did your parents make you keep up on school stuff during summer?)
I think it’s important to encourage kids to read during the summer, because it is a great hobby to have, but I wouldn’t make munchkin do real schoolwork.  Summer is a time to have fun and relax from the school year.

4. Do you can or freeze fresh produce?
I don’t do either myself, but my family in Poland does a lot of canning and every time I’m there I steal some jars to bring home.  Don’t tell the nice people in customs because I’m pretty sure you’re not supposed bring stuff like that into America. 

5. Do you get ready for the day first thing in the morning?
On days when I have school, I’m lucky if I’m showered by 2 in the afternoon.  If I have somewhere to go and stuff to do then I’ll be ready.  If not I love to lounge around in my PJs.  

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Five Question Friday! Fri, 03 Jun 2011 12:22:00 +0000 1. If you had to choose, how would you prefer to choose to spend money…on landscaping or a pool?  Pool, hands down.  Landscaping is something I could work on myself and enjoy.  Having a pool to jump into when I was done would make it even more enjoyable.  I’m the kind of person who could...

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1. If you had to choose, how would you prefer to choose to spend money…on landscaping or a pool? 

Pool, hands down.  Landscaping is something I could work on myself and enjoy.  Having a pool to jump into when I was done would make it even more enjoyable.  I’m the kind of person who could sit out by the pool all day.

2. Death penalty, yay or nay?
Yay.  There are just some crimes that are so heinous and some people so horrible that they should not be allowed to live in prison for life.  Prison is really not that bad when you look at it.  Many prisons have TVs and libraries and some are even allowed to work for a small income.  They get to see their loved ones during visitations and lead a pretty careless life because everything is provided with them.  While some may see it as barbaric, I look at crime from a very retributivist point of view and think the death penalty is necessary in our legal system.  

3. What’s the worst thing your kid has gotten into when you turned your back/blogged/showered/blinked?
One afternoon I realized it was a little too quite and found Munchkin catching up on the week’s news. 

4. How often do you REALLY go to the dentist?
The last time I went was about a year ago and I know I really need to go in for a checkup.  Before I do, I need to find a new dentist because the one I went to last year was a bit crazy.  While filling the one cavity that I had, she very persistently suggested that I come back to get a procedure done to increase the movement in my tongue.  I’m pretty sure my tongue moves just fine, thank you.

5. What is your favorite animal (doesn’t have to be a pet-type animal)?
Penguin.  They are so cute and cuddly looking.  I always have to see them when I am at the zoo or aquarium.  

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Five Question Friday! Fri, 20 May 2011 07:15:00 +0000 It’s that time again…..Five Question Friday! Join the fun here! 1. Do you and your spouse/significant other go to bed at the same time? My boyfriend is the biggest sleepy head I know! On weekdays when he is working, I’m lucky if he doesn’t pass out before 10pm.  I, on the other hand, could probably...

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It’s that time again…..Five Question Friday!
Join the fun here!

1. Do you and your spouse/significant other go to bed at the same time?
My boyfriend is the biggest sleepy head I know! On weekdays when he is working, I’m lucky if he doesn’t pass out before 10pm.  I, on the other hand, could probably stay up all night and still be up when Munchkin wakes up. Strangely enough, when we are together, especially when watching a movie before bed, I am always the one to fall asleep first, even if I’m loving the movie.

2. A question for the ladies…What kind of facial hair do you like on your man?
None, not a big fan of facial hair. I love my boyfriend’s baby smooth face!

3. What’s the worst vacation you’ve ever taken?
Nothing comes to mind. I don’t think I’ve ever had a really bad vacation.  I’m the kind of person who makes the best of any situation and if I’m on vacation I try to enjoy myself, regardless of the circumstances, which might not be great.  Hopefully my upcoming vacation won’t be the worst!

4. What’s the first-ever blog you followed?

The first blog I ever followed was Julie at PB Fingers.  I honestly don’t know how I even came across her blog, but I’ve been reading it for over a year. She is totally one of my fav bloggers and I love her doggy, Sadie!

5. Do you enjoy amusement parks?
I love amusement parks! I love roller coasters!  The bigger, faster and scarier the ride, the better.  I can’t wait to go to Six Flags this year.  I haven’t been in over two years and I am totally looking forward to it and the new stand up roller coaster, Green Lantern! Sounds so sick.

Happy Friday Everyone!

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Five Question Friday! Fri, 06 May 2011 13:19:00 +0000   I linked up for Five Question Friday at My Little Life! 1. Have you ever had roommates?  Nope. I never went away for school and never had to share a room with a sibling because I’m an only child.  I guess munchkin is my roommate now because his crib is in my room. 2....

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I linked up for Five Question Friday at My Little Life!

1. Have you ever had roommates? 
Nope. I never went away for school and never had to share a room with a sibling because I’m an only child.  I guess munchkin is my roommate now because his crib is in my room.

2. How many names do you/your children have? (i.e. Prince Charming William Phillip Arthur Louis John Jacob Jingleheimer-Schmidt)
Just one! I don’t have a middle name and I didn’t give munchkin one either. I didn’t want to give him a middle name to just give one and I couldn’t think of anything I liked with Alexander.  Plus his name and last name are both really long anyway without an extra name in the middle. 

3. Did you watch the Royal Wedding?
I did. I didn’t actually get up at 4AM, I DVRed it so I could fast forward through the boring parts.  

4. What is the messiest room in your house?
Definitely my bedroom.  Since me and munchkin are in the same room its a constant mess.  Even when I clean it up and get everything in order, its just as bad as it was the next day.  Lack of storage + a lot of stuff = MESS!

5. What is your ideal mothers day?
 Just spending time with my munchkin and maybe getting taken out to brunch somewhere.  I don’t ask for much. 😉

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