Frolic Through Life a lifestyle blog Tue, 16 Jul 2024 16:04:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Guest Post: Courtney from Journey of a Dreamer Thu, 23 Aug 2012 04:00:08 +0000 Hello Frolic through Life Readers! I’m Courtney from Journey of a Dreamer and I’m so honored that Sylvia invited me to spend the day with you! I blog about Running, CrossFit and my weight loss Journey.  I’m sure you noticed Sylvia talking a lot about CrossFit recently (I love how she described it as a...

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Hello Frolic through Life Readers! I’m Courtney from Journey of a Dreamer and I’m so honored that Sylvia invited me to spend the day with you! I blog about Running, CrossFit and my weight loss Journey.

 I’m sure you noticed Sylvia talking a lot about CrossFit recently (I love how she described it as a playground for adults!) I have been doing CrossFit for 3 months now and have seen some major changes in myself in just a short period of time. Physically, I have changed drastically thanks to starting CrossFit.

These pictures are exactly 60 days apart. While the physical changes are awesome, CrossFit has changed more than just my physical appearance… it has revolutionized my thinking.

Going into a CrossFit gym (or “box” as most CrossFitters call it) can be intimidating! I was so nervous before my first CrossFit experience. The warm up looked intimidating. After going through some coaching we did our first WOD, or Workout of the Day. It was hard, but I finished and when I did I felt strong. I accomplished something my mind tried to tell me I couldn’t do.

For the first few weeks it was tough to break through that inferiority complex I had in my mind. I thought that I wasn’t __________ enough… (Strong, Fast, Good, etc). When that timer counts down 3,2,1, GO! It’s like I turn into a different person. Pushing myself physically and mentally at CrossFit has built up my confidence and taught me that it is possible to take a weakness and turn it into strength. When I finish a workout I didn’t think I could do, it makes me wonder what else in life I can conquer if I stop doubting myself.

So, whether it is CrossFit, Running, Biking, Zumba or any kind of activitity don’t let the mental aspect stop you from giving it all you’ve got. Don’t tell yourself you can’t. You might surprise yourself and find you are stronger than you give yourself credit for.

What is something you’ve wanted to try but haven’t?

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Guest Post: My go-to “on-the-go” breakfast Wed, 22 Aug 2012 04:00:15 +0000 A big HI to all of Sylvia’s readers!! I absolutely adore Sylvia’s blog…she helps me feed my quinoa addiction. (In addition to lots of other things as well!) I’m so glad I found her (or she might have found me, I don’t really remember) through WIAW! That little party sure does bring people together. So...

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A big HI to all of Sylvia’s readers!! I absolutely adore Sylvia’s blog…she helps me feed my quinoa addiction. (In addition to lots of other things as well!) I’m so glad I found her (or she might have found me, I don’t really remember) through WIAW! That little party sure does bring people together.

So anyway, my name is Cinnamon and I am the blog mastermind behind And when I say blog mastermind, I really mean a wife and stepmother trying really hard yet failing miserably at most things (cooking and working out to name a few), buuuuut loving every minute of life anyway and talking about it all on the internet!

Sylvia guest posted for me a while back while I was away in Mexico and her post got rave reviews. When she asked me to return the favor, I jumped at the chance although I don’t think my post will get quite the reviews as hers did. But a girl can dream right?

I present to you one of my all time favorite recipes:

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See what I mean?

I love blogging for lots of different reasons, but one of the biggest reasons BY FAR is the stuff I learn. Sometimes I seriously wonder how I got anything accomplished before I started reading blogs. That was only about a year ago, so honestly the fact that I have actually made it to 36 is probably a miracle. 🙂

Seriously though, the things you pick up and learn just by reading other peoples perspectives and opinions is just fantastic. This little go-to breakfast of mine is a combination of two things I learned from reading blogs. I just put them together and viola! I have my new favorite (SUPER EASY) breakfast that I eat MOST days of the week.

The microwave egg sandwich

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I had never really seen or heard of sandwich thins before blogging. Maybe I just didn’t pay attention in the grocery store (I have no idea how long they have been around) but I swear I had no idea these existed. Then I saw bloggers left and right throwing peanut butter, almond butter, cashew butter (bloggers love nut butter if you couldn’t tell) and banana or strawberry or whatever else on top of these sandwich thins and having (what seemed to me) the greatest breakfast ever.

I jumped on board right away. And what do you know? They are fantastic. Now we get them at Costco, stick them in the freezer and eat them until our little hearts are content.

THEN, I read about microwaving eggs. Probably doesn’t seem like rocket science to most people, and I guess it doesn’t really seem like that to me either, but I had never once before in my life considered microwaving eggs. I have no idea why. So of course, this idea was brilliant to me. And made me feel incredibly stupid all at the same time.

I love eggs and I think I pretty much always have, but I never wanted to make them because they were messy, dirtied a pan and took longer than a minute to prepare. This does not fly when you have to get out the door because you hit snooze too many times and now you are running late and you still have to drive an hour to work. Its also really hard to eat eggs in the car unless they are hardboiled or solidified in some way between two pieces of bread.

What a minute.

Stop the presses.

Hold on.

Idea time.

How about I microwave an egg in the exact same size dish as the sandwich thin? Slap it in the middle, wrap it up and take it in the car so that I could eat it on the way to work?

And the whole thing takes literally about 1 min 30 seconds to put together?

Yep, that just happened.

So this is what I do. I get all my stuff together

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I put the sandwich thin in the toaster and then I crack the egg into the dish and put in some salt, pepper and a sprinkling of shredded chedda cheese

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Then I scramble it all up and throw it in the microwave for 1 minute

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This is what comes out

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About this time my sandwich thin is done toasting so I slap the egg on there (fits PERFECTLY), wrap it up in a paper towel and put it on top of my coffee mug to take out to the car.

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I mean seriously. It probably took longer to read this post than to make this breakfast. And its good for you.

This is also proof why reading blogs is good for you too! Especially mine.

What is your go-to breakfast?

Did you know about microwaving eggs before you were an adult? Please say no so I feel better.

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Guest Post: Getting Over the “Newbie Nerves” with Chris from The Journey TV Tue, 21 Aug 2012 04:00:28 +0000 Hi Frolic thorough life readers! My name is Chris from The Journey TV and it’s a pleasure that Sylvia asked me to guest post. Recently I shot some movement introduction videos for my show because i hear lots of people are intimidated to try Crossfit and really any new fitness program in general. So do...

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Hi Frolic thorough life readers! My name is Chris from The Journey TV and it’s a pleasure that Sylvia asked me to guest post. Recently I shot some movement introduction videos for my show because i hear lots of people are intimidated to try Crossfit and really any new fitness program in general.

So do you have anxiety of trying a new workout? Here are 5 Tips to help get over the “Newbie Nerves”

1.) Arrive early and talk with either the Coach or Instructor while everyone starts to show up
2.) Don’t be in a hurry. Sit back, Listen and Watch. What is everyone doing?
3.) Very few people are instantly proficient at anything. While you already know this sometimes we don’t let it sink in. Learning new movement takes time, Go in ready to learn and clear the slate.
4.) Do a personal warm-Up. Get rid of some of that Nervous energy, some jogging, high knees, butt kickers and light stretching can help
5.) Bring a friend but not an anchor. Your there to learn and workout if your friend will be a distraction by talking and creating a “safe bubble” then that isn’t really helping you adjust. Bring someone who wants to learn the program too; they’ll be listening just as intently as you should be. If you don’t have a friend who wants to go then GO ANYWAY it’ll do wonders for yourself confidence.


The biggest tip is just have fun! Relax and Enjoy Well Thank you Sylvia for letting me share some thoughts with your readers! I hope that if anyone has the “Newbie Nerves” they push them aside and go for it. You’ll never regret it! Follow me on Twitter @JourneyTV

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It’s Official! Sun, 19 Aug 2012 18:48:05 +0000 It’s official, as of 4PM on Thursday…I’m on vacation! We are currently in Pennsylvania celebrating Tommy’s dad’s birthday. He turned 50…err I mean, 25×2! On Monday we will be road trippin’ it down to Virginia for the week and I could not be more excited! In my absence [I know you will all miss me...

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The post It’s Official! appeared first on Frolic Through Life.

It’s official, as of 4PM on Thursday…I’m on vacation!

We are currently in Pennsylvania celebrating Tommy’s dad’s birthday. He turned 50…err I mean, 25×2!

On Monday we will be road trippin’ it down to Virginia for the week and I could not be more excited! In my absence [I know you will all miss me tons ;)] I’ve got some great guest posts coming your way!

Monday: Kayla from Keep Moving Forward with a yummy recipe.
Tuesday: Chris from The Journey TV with some tips for getting over the “Newbie Nerves.”
Wednesday: Cinnamon from Eat Pray Tri with her go-to breakfast.
Thursday: Courtney from Journey of a Dreamer with trips on how to get through the self doubt and try something new!
Friday: Kate from Kate is Eating with some Cheap Gourmet ideas.

Hope you guys enjoy the posts! If you have any recommendation of what to do and where to ear in the Williamsburg/Virginia Beach area please share! 🙂

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