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Tuesday Things

I constantly have a ton of things swirling around my head that I want to share, but I stink at writing things down and they usually go unshared. I know there are probably a million other things I’ve been wanting to share, but these will have to do for now. 1. I read an article…

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My First Ticket

Thank God it’s Thursday! Only a few hours separate me from the weekend and after yesterday, I cannot wait for some much needed sleep! As I mentioned in yesterday’s post, I had a busy and nerve-wracking day. I was supposed to meet with on of our clients and his lawyer to talk about prepping him…

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11 Things!

So I totally forgot that yesterday was Groundhog Day, and luckily today isn’t Groundhog Day again. According to the New York groundhog, Staten Island Chuck, spring is coming early and I couldn’t be happier. Don’t let us down Chuckie! I didn’t have anything spectacular in the eats department yesterday, so I figured instead of boring…

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Cold Weather Comfort Food

Fall has returned to New York with a vengeance.  While I LOVE the cooler temps and the crisp air, I do not love the rain. Too bad it’s going to be raining for the next three days! Joy! When I wake up to a cold, rainy day all my belly wants is some warm, gooey,…

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Occupy Wall Street : An Observation

Wednesday started out pretty uneventfully.  I caught up on some homework, spent some time coloring with the coloring king and ate a really good salad. When I was at Trader Joe’s on Tuesday, I bought baby beets to add to my salads because I have recently discovered my love for beets. These babies gave my…

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