He Came Bearing Gifts

Since the weatherman keeps telling me that this gorgeous weather is not going to last, Munchkin and I headed over to the park on our bike. We did two miles around the park before heading in to play. I have to once again highly recommend our bike seat. Munchkin absolutely loves riding in it!

When we got home, Munchkin was ready for a nap. I was ready for a nap to, but since I don’t have the luxury of sleeping away the afternoon, I made myself some iced coffee. I made some regular coffee, but used the new Pumpkin Spice  Coffeemate I found at Walmart over the weekend. I also had the chance to try out my new Tervis tumbler that the great folks over at the Foodbuzz Tastemaker Program and Tervis were kind enough to send me.

Tervis advertises their tumblers as virtually indestructible and gives them a lifetime guarantee, which is so rare these days.  I also really like that the tumbler is insulated and can hold both hot and cold beverages.  I’m looking into buying a cover for this bad boy so I can take it on the go with me.

After my coffee, it was time to have my lunch/dinner.  Since I’m always at school during the normal dinner time, my late lunch is usually my dinner and I bring a snack with me to school. On the menu yesterday was a huge salad of organic spring mix with fresh tomatoes from the farm stand, yellow peppers and beets topped with Honey Mustard dressing.

I also had a side of my eggplant and zucchini parm. It doesn’t look pretty, but it was so good.

When I got home from school, my baby was missing.  After waiting and waiting for his return, he came home bearing gifts.  Not only did I get some awesome pictures and a great note, my crazy cousin Patricia sent him home with a birthday gift for me. Thank you Patricia! I can’t wait to go shopping!

Time to go look over my notes because I have another in-class writing thing today.  If anyone needs advice about deeds and marketable titles, I’m your girl!

Have a great Tuesday!

If you’re a coffee drinker, how do you take your coffee? What are your favorite veggies to throw in a salad?

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